Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday's ending.

After lunch Nancy took Mom home and we went over to her house, we got an invite for Sunday (Fathers Day) and were happy to accept. I miss the kids and wondered what I'd be doing on Fathers Day and my Sis comes through with an invite. I know John and Kathy will be there with their kids and Mike and Teresa are going to be there also, it will be nice to be around family. Mom will be there also and that too is good, since we've been here 8 days now I've got to visit with Mom 4 times and tomorrow will be 5 and that's a good thing. I thank Russ and Nancy for picking her up and taking her back home for our visits, except for Tuesday when I visited her at Mandy's. It's too bad the situation with Dave and Mandy is what it is, but it's their call in my opinion. OK I've got yet another bitch.........who in the sam hell pours the concrete for the streets around here? There is not more than two streets in all of Davenport that isn't like a washboard, 110th where the West Lake Park is has to be the smoothest of all the streets around here. You take Locust street east from West Lake and your freaking guts are shaken to the point of being in major pain! If you can make a street like 110th be so smooth and pleasant to drive on, why not the rest of the town's streets? I'm sure it snows on 110th street so don't give me that freeze thaw crap get someone in this department that knows how to pour concrete or spread blacktop! Someone has stock in the shock absorber companies, has to be the reason!

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