Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Monday, June 3rd and stuck in Albuquerque, NM

Well thanks to Olivia(service tech that helped us)at Camping World in Albuquerque the motor home is being taken care of. A black water tank flush, replace one of the A/C units on the roof that has a bad compressor, and fixed short in wire for bedroom reading lights and closets. A/C unit falls under extended warranty but $500 deductible still hurts, bill was right at $1400 and ended up costing us $885...........my fault on the black water tank so my bad on that $119. I still learn something everyday and sometimes that learning experience cost in more ways than one! It was 5:20 p.m. before we departed Camping World with the motor home and Jeep in tow, decided just to spend the night here in Albuquerque and get a start in the morning. We now have 3 days to get to Davenport and hopefully can get a good spot at West Lake to park for a couple of weeks, got some driving to do the next few days. The winnings from the first Casino stop took care of the $885 that was are share of the ticket for the repairs, so thank God we had that so the Ouch wasn't as bad as it could have been. Won't be making too many more casino stops now that we're virtually a good day and a half behind schedule or at least what was kind of our schedule. I'm not too keen on driving this rig at night anymore, not like it was "back in the day" when I could drive all day and night if need be..no can't do that anymore. God willing and the creek don't rise we'll have smooth sailing from here on out and no problems, I love my motor home and enjoy the hell out of it but this kind of shit makes one wonder if it's all worth it. Let me answer that question right now, you bet it's worth it, we really enjoy this life and style of traveling. By the way a lot of hills and mountains getting to this point, I've topped off the tank twice not and the first yielded 5 mpg and a bit flatter since entering NM and the second was 6.5 and that's towing the Jeep...we'll be back up to 7 or 7.5 before too long especially going through Nebraska and Iowa. It's late and we have an early morning, life is good and tomorrow will be a better day!

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