Saturday, June 29, 2013

Back on the road again

We left Des Moines yesterday oh around noon by the time we had a late breakfast with Bev's brother Mark and filled the tank and finally hit the road. The wind was a real SOB, it threw the motor home around like a pinata at a Mexican birthday party. My arms were so tired by 2:00 p.m. from fighting the steering wheel we pulled over after just a few hours, somewhere just north of Storm Lake, Iowa. Just happen to be a casino nearby called Diamond Jo Casino and it's a very nice place and served some great dinner. We set up the motor home in a parking area along with 6 or 8 other motor homes for the evening and then out of nowhere the freaking rains come again. The wind subsided for just a few minutes while the rain poured and then the wind came back and we had literally sheets of rain rolling across the parking lot, holy mackerel Andy! Looks very cloudy this morning and dark grey but the wind seems to be down somewhat so hopefully we have better travel conditions, if not we stop and wait for a nice day, oh well that's being retired............................ We had another great visit with our family in Des Moines and so glad we rescheduled a bit to be there for my brother-in-laws retirement party, it was a wonderful evening filled with honors and well deserved honors for someone who has given so much for conservation and the state of Iowa through the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. A couple of rounds of golf, some great dinners with family and a couple of rewarding trips to Prairie Meadows made it all the better, yep made a few bucks thanks to that casino......................... Should make Minneapolis/St. Paul early today and maybe Superior by evening if I shut this computer off and get behind the wheel soon, kind of a lazy morning for both of us. Went to bed very early last night, like 10 p.m. and up at 5:30 a.m. and now it's going on 7:00 and time to get going. Hopefully more interesting stuff tonight!

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