Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rainy reunion day #2

We woke up to dark and very overcast skies this morning and that threat of rain for the Ackelson reunion. Yep it rained but it did wait until after we ate but the very small group that attended didn't stick around long after we ate. This was probably the smallest showing yet for this reunion and we discussed ways to get those who continually skip this old fashion gathering to start attending in the future. Lets hope something is done before this family tradition is lost forever, and that would be too bad for the younger generations in my opinion. The eats at Russ' BBQ which took place after the Anderson reunion yesterday in the evening were outstanding, beer brats and burgers didn't help me and my weight loss program but a cheat now and then isn't too bad is it? It was good to see Holly and Scott their children and James and Andrea, some good conversation and the girls even played some spades after dinner. Pictures on FB. If the freaking rain doesn't stop soon we're going to wonder why we decided to spend two weeks here. Home town or not these are the reasons we moved to Gods don't give me that "is this heaven" crap, we don't feel this is our heaven anyway. We're just hoping to get a few rounds of golf in and not sure if that will even happen, might try tomorrow in the a.m. before the rains start again with Russ and Scott. We've even talked about a day or two trip up to Chicago and this is starting to sound better each time we discuss it, hell mayb e a day at Arlington park wouldn't be a bad idea! Bev's brother Mark stopped by the motor home before heading back to Des Moines, we had a nice chat for an hour or so but then he had to head back home. Susan our sister-in-law is dealing with some issues with her mother and couldn't make the trip or the reunion, we hope and pray things work out for her, her mother and the family. Sure is nice Bev has been a bit lucky at the casino when we've stopped in, helps with the boredom and helps with the gas and expenses too. Normally I have most the luck and usually win a few bucks but so far this trip it's been just the opposite, but when needed I'll be there. Hmmmm wonder what we should do tonight?

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