Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Denver Sucks!

Today was a bitch in many ways, but productive as far a miles traveled and days almost caught up after delays in Albuquerque. We ended the day up in Fort Morgan, Colorado about 73 miles north east of Denver, that would be 551 miles traveled and a 13 hour day. Things were going well but running low on gas so I usually top off around a half a tank and no less than a 1/4, unlike my family who all seem to enjoy testing the gauge and seeing how long they can go on the "E". We us a Pilot/Flying J card when traveling because of it ties to Good Sam and discounts on gas and most any item you can buy there. Not only that but they have separate pumps for trucks and RV's so we don't have to try and jockey around the pumps for auto's, very convenient that's for sure. Well I totally went against everything I'm made of and figured I'd try and make a Flying J just outside of Denver since the on board computer indicated I had the miles left in the tank to make it with 50 miles to spare. Bev looks up the Flying J and puts it in the GPS and Sammy is going to take us there. It's not only a bad idea but it's 5:00 p.m. in Denver and the freeway is a parking lot, Mike get frustrated, pissed, and believes we'll run out of gas in the middle of this mess and goes into panic mode (the kids can just picture this I'm sure). I'm following the GPS turn for turn and it's looking more and more like this station is going to be right smack dab in the middle of down town Denver, and the more I drive and the more the computer is telling be "low on fuel"......."low on fuel" the more panic stricken I become. Shit who wants to run out of gas let alone right down town Denver during rush hour? As it turns out I had the GPS set earlier for just Denver and when Bev plugged in the Flying J to make it a via point something went wrong and it kept the destination as Denver! Yep we're thinking we are heading to a Flying J and instead we're being taken right in the middle of down town Denver and no stations in sight! After a bit of the blame game back and forth we finally get to a station (the only one in down town) and have a bitch of a time just getting to the pumps but finally fill that bad boy up and head out of town ASAP! All turned out well I guess but it could have been a whole lot worse that's for sure.......even in between my potty mouth here and there the good Lord must have been watching over us, thank you Jesus! Best news that came out of the ordeal was by traveling like the tortoise by that I mean nice and steady at between 55 and 60 mph we managed 7.45 mpg on that tank of gas. Towing the Jeep and getting 7.5 mpg is a record I believe, but tomorrow I'm trying 65 mph and seeing we get with that speed. First tank (mountains and hills) we got 5 mpg and slight hills and flat land we got 7.5 mpg, looking forward to Nebraska and Iowa a couple of pretty flat places. On a totally different subject, I was thinking about thumbs today earlier. Watching Bev sit in the co-pilots seat and working on her phone in e-mail and texting I notice it's the thumbs doing all the work. Before these phones and hand help items like the ipad etc. the thumbs were pretty much useless, oh sure they were used to hitch-hike back in the day, used to stick into a pie usually plum, and even sucked on by some. We used to hunt and peck (I still do because I have a dump phone yet and pecking is easier for me on the ipad) but other than giving your critique on a movie with one or two up or down what the hell were they good for before texting? Now the thumb is probably the most important and most used digit folks have these days, the younger generation would be lost and confused without a thumb. Hell they don't even know what the hell "hitch hiking is" or what the word critique means............their all thumbs if you ask me. By the way the folks in Denver are the rudest, selfish, bad driving folks I've ever ran into on the road. They worry about themselves and nothing else when driving these inadequate streets and freeways, just plain rude.

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