Thursday, June 6, 2013

Finally arrived at out first destination on the trek

Sorry for the absence yesterday but things got a little hectic at times. Between the wind, rain, lousy weather all around we made it to Council Bluffs at about 7:30 p.m. and set up for a short evening. I say short because with the need to get to our home for the next couple of weeks, West Lake park, we needed to get up early and bust ass to Davenport in the morning. We had heard from a few folks that were already at the park that it was filling up fast and the place takes no reservations to camp or hook-up. We called an old friend(Wally Branquist who worked for me at Dal-Tile about 25 years ago)that lives in Council Bluffs, he had just finished his golf league play so we met for a quick dinner. Last year we stayed a day or so and played some golf with Wally but this year the damn schedule kept us from that form of leisure we so longed for. I had planned on getting up at about 3:00 a.m. and hitting the road, but when the alarm went off Bev didn't have the heart to wake be beings I was so freaking tired.....thanks for the extra hour and a half Bev. We ended up hitting the road about 6:00 a.m. and had coffee and an egg sandwich on road, thanks again "B"! We filled up a Flying J on the way out of Council Bluffs and actually beat the semi's on the road, the rest area's were packed as we drove by each until about 7:00 a.m. We ended up having a call from two different cousins with reference to the sites at West Lake due to our concerns with making it there in time to land one of those remaining sites, they figured arriving before noon would help. All turned out just fine and we thank God for that. After the first hour of setting things up, hooking things up, and cleaning things up(I've been told I'm a bit annal that way)we were pretty much set my about noon. I showed, and didn't even get dressed, just hoped into the bed and took a much needed nap for about two hours..........yes I miss my naps when on the road. Woke up fresh made a couple of calls while Bev prepared a good dinner and now catching up here, it will be a quit night, but called Mom and will be picking her up for lunch tomorrow. We're sorry we couldn't at least stop in Des Moines on the way through to Davenport, but we'll see them on Sunday at the reunion and then after this time in Davenport we have a week or so planned for out time in Des Moines with our family there. We had company tonight, Robin and Johnny(cousins)stopped by to welcome us and we chatted for a couple of hours. Their camping across the way for the weekend and to be here for the reunion this weekend. It will be nice to see what family decides to attend, hopefully we have a great turn out and the weather turns for the better. By the way I'm hoping and praying I can maintain the weight loss program I've been on, trips like this where there is a lot of eating out with friends and family can be brutal on these sorts of things. So far so good but I'm sure there will be prices to bay especially at "pot luck" family reunions!

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