Thursday, June 13, 2013

A couple of uneventful days

Can't believe I've skipped the blog for a couple of days, can't say it's because I was too bushed at the end of the day. Tuesday I visited Mom and spent an hour or so with her. Russ was there and so was Noah, didn't get to see Mandy while I was there I think she just left us alone or enjoyed a little while away from Mom. It can be trying and tiring constantly answering the same questions and/or explaining the same things over and over again all day, and Mandy and Noah are truly troopers when it comes to this. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia. This pretty much sums up Mom at least for the short term, long term memory isn't quite as bad and she still recognizes everyone by sight and even voice on the phone. I think, no I know she gets scared now and again and talking to her Tuesday she knows something is wrong with her mind but doesn't understand it. It's not good to watch and sad in so many ways and we're lucky to have a family member with the skills and willingness to take care of her. We visited with our good friends Dave and Marilyn Tuesday evening and night, had a little dinner a lot of conversation lost a couple of bucks at the boat and are looking forward to our next boat just dinner and a lot of good conversation. Wednesday was laundry day, about every two weeks on the road it's that time. Wednesday was a good day it seems, we were the only ones in the laundromat and it went quick. We had a few items we normally hang dry and brought those back to the motor home, there was a breeze so I hung them outside and an hour later they still were wet......humidity! For example in Phoenix hanging those same items outside to dry would take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to dry if that, here after an hour still wet so we brought them in to day overnight. We went to our Godson's son's pony league game last night, it was a make-up game from an earlier rain-out. I guess they have many games to make-up because of weeks of rain before we arrived, and it's not over yet. Anyway Ryan was pitching last night and after 3 innings had a 5-1 lead and an RBI to his credit when the ump seen lightning and that was that, game was called. A major storm was rolling through the Midwest and fortunately skirted the Quad Cites for the most part, we had some of the winds but according to the radar some folks northeast of here really got hammered, we thought we saw a funnel on the ride back to the motor home and prayed it was still upright! No plans today except a trip to Wal-Mart for some curtains for a couple of our windows and then maybe some cleaning of the basements and outside of the coach. Hope someone invites us to dinner soon...................

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