Friday, June 5, 2015


     First active day of the trip so far yesterday, I was beat last night!  Woke early as usual (Lisa and Bev can attest to that) caught up on a few minor chores around the coach, fixed a chair, did some cleaning etc. and got a call from nephew Steve about some golf.......but of course I can play a bit.
     Bev had her usual annual few hours of alone time with her brother Mark and then there was the planning for the evening at the Jasper Wine event which is a Thursday night summer thing at this local winery.  Last nights entertainment was a "pick'n and Grin'n" sort of night with the banjo, steel and bass fiddle shit kickin music!  Beer, wine, sangria, and food with family picnic style made for a good evening, by the way it was me and Bev's third year in a row to participate at the Jasper Thirsty Thursday night party.
     It was work day for those of us not on vacation or retired so Steve and I schedule 9 holes at Copper Creek golf club near the park here.  Nice course, as you might imagine lush green grass from the Iowa rain and great greens to putt on.  After knocking a bit of the rust off from my 3 week or so layoff I hit a few good ones but also that damn head picked itself up to or three too many times!  After a few beers on the course, a draft after the round and three or four at Jasper, this lad was ready for the sack when we got back to the coach.  Planning another round of golf on Sunday morning with Steve and Bob............anyone want to fly in and join us?
     Some errands today and the East village later I guess and do some research on the Belmont for tomorrow, spitting a ticket with Steve throwing out the favorite!  Need to check my power ball tickets now, looks like someone won!

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