Friday, June 12, 2015

Same place different year same start

     By that I mean same miserable weather to start our Iowa stay, and hoping it changes for the better soon.  Some might say...."did you bring this weather with you?"  From Arizona....right!  We get maybe 7 inches a year if we're lucky, I think we had that since we entered Iowa.  It will change and we usually get a few very nice days for golf and that I'm counting on.  Looking forward to a round at Fyre Lake again this year with Russ and hopefully Scott and Matt this year.  Fyre Lake golf club at golfer check this one out!
     Family reunion weekend is upon us, one of the reasons we make this trek each year, a great way to visit with a lot of family all in two days.  The Anderson reunion is Saturday and is becoming larger each year it seems, and Bev's Ackelson reunion will be Sunday, that one might be due for a change in venue to increase participation in future years.
     Answer me this..............when or at what point in trips back to your home town (that has now been since 1984 that we moved to Arizona) do you stop driving by your old houses!  I really don't need to see the "old house" anymore!  The family on our very first ride outside the park where we're camped said before we had gone 10 minutes "we got to drive by the old house"................What?  Why?  This is something I can do without from now on.
     I hope it stops raining soon, has been drizzling since I got up this morning and it's now noon, have some errands to run and a trip to the market for reunion potluck items!  The car need a good washing inside and out but we need a few sunny days to make that happen..................

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