Sunday, June 28, 2015

Superior, Wisconsin (day 2)

     We arrived in Superior, Wisconsin on Friday late afternoon set up and prayed the weather would be good from here on out.  Called our friends Alan and Kathy and made plans to have some breakfast in the morning and golf afterwards on Saturday the 27th.  We played Black Bear golf club in Minong, WI  just outside of Superior,a very nice lush and friendly course.  I was feeling pretty good about my game since my drives have really been straight for the past couple of rounds, something like 15 fairways hit.  A couple of horrendous chips and like 3 or 4 three putt greens and still shot an 88, very pleased with that.  Now you pros out there must also need to know that beings we're all old or getting old and being seniors we now get to play from the senior tees.........the course was a mere 5100 yards but still I'm very happy with the score.  Bev hit a wall about the 13th hole, headache and sinus probably from the lack of dry air we're encountering, both of us have been pretty stuffed up since entering the Midwest.  Bev started off great, hitting the ball a lot farther and up in the air quite a few times (that's important for her as you might imagine for distance) her game is really improving, just needs more time on the course.  By the way, 1 birdie, 6 pars, 6 bogeys and 5 dreaded double bogeys....great round for me.
     No need for the air conditioners today, it's right now at 10:45 only 66 degrees and pleasant.  A chance of rain today and tomorrow but then it looks to be sunny and in the 70's.  Normally we'd be out running around, checking out the cities and things to do, but Bev isn't feeling well as I said so she's trying to get rid of this headache so we can go over to Alan and Kathy's about 3 pm for cards and dinner.
     It's really quiet, especially in the motor home..........we're in a forest of different kinds of tall pine trees here at Northland camping and RV park and that means no satellite coverage which in turn means no or very limited TV coverage.  We get no satellite and only two local channels here, ABC and MeTv (all old series TV shows) it's been Gilligan or Saved by the Bell and Hogans Hero's and/or local news and weather.  I'm kind of glad in a lot of way, I'm sure the "Sunday Shows" would have put me in a terrible frame of mine at this time.  No national news right now might be the best thing for me, the shit over the past couple of days has for sure put our country deeply at odds with one another...............whoops!  Sorry this blog is for our 2015 journey around this great nation of ours, no politics allowed in this blog until the journey ends, enough was posted on FB as you might agree. 
     Well Bev is still resting, I'm heading to the store to pick up a few things and some medications for the little women, it's so far been very relaxing here and should remain that way for the next few days. Our plans are to be here for at least 5 days and then onward towards Devils Lake North Dakota!  No rain yet, crossing our fingers.


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