Sunday, June 7, 2015

Farmers Market, storms and golf.......

     Saturday was a trip downtown Des Moines to the Farmers Market.  Bev and I in all our travels have visited many farmers markets from Pennsylvania to the coast of California, but to date not one compares to this one in Des Moines.  You name it and you'll probably find it, and produce and baked goods from big farms to small gardens to fares from the Amish folks.  We enjoy our trip down town on Saturday morning as just a part of the trip to Des Moines, Iowa.
     I don't know how much rain we got last night, but an educated guess would be 2 - 3 inches and some of the loudest thunder you'd ever want to hear.  Within the camp grounds here we are surrounded by many mini lakes right now, but thank the Lord the sun is shinning on what should turn out to be a nice day for golf.  Yes, going to hit the links with Steve, Bob and Bob's uncle for a round at the Legacy course here........I'm ready for an improved round from the other day with Steve.
     It's been a lot of family time with our family here in the Des Moines area, Lisa went our with the girls last night, Jack went with Bob and Jill's kids for Masons birthday to jump and whatever joint called sky something and they had a great time, Thanks Uncle Bob for doing that.  Bev and I spent the evening with Mark and Susan over a nice dinner and being entertained by Georgia while she lasted.........what a happy little girl and not much fussing!
     After golf today for us guys and Adventureland for the girls and nieces and nephews, and a day of relaxing for Beverly (I think she might try her luck across the road at the casino) we'll all meet for a family dinner at Mark and Susan's (Bev's brother and sister-in-law).  We'll all be doing a bit of puddle-jumping today no matter where we go, my God did it come down last night!  Sun shine predicted for the rest of the week I think!

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