Monday, July 8, 2013

Wrap up day on the North Shore of Lake Superior

     Yep, it's time to wrap things up and get ready to pull out of here tomorrow. There are chores to be done in preparation for our departure, but we've done it so many times it a routine now. We need to be at the RV Service center tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. and hope that they don't have it all day, but whatever we need this taken care of for rainy days and leaks into the bedroom. The A/C shroud will take care of this and we can be on our way. They are squeezing us in and getting there at 8:00 a.m. might help insure the 11:00 a.m. time they have for us will be met.
     Bev is doing a load of laundry so that when we leave that is all caught up while I clean around the coach.  She keeps robbing my "Big Texas" cup on the counter in which I throw all my change for the kids piggy bank for the quarters, so I just gave her a $20 to get quarters at the office.  The cup is one I bought in Texas when we were last there, it actually holds about 2 to 2 1/2 cups of liquid and it was full of change before last laundry day.  The grand kids religiously get every penny of change I get at the end of each day.
     Read for the second time in the past year of so about the pennies in a half full sandwich bag (baggie) of water getting rid of fly's.  A friend, Sherri Cox had posted it yesterday on Face Book so I tried it where we were having a bit of a problem with fly's, so far after 24 hours it is working great.  No fly's today or last night so I'm sold on this nifty trick on the fly's and those many eyes they have!
     By the way I may not denote paragraphs with all those ............................ anymore, what a goof, trying to do this on the "compose" rather than "HTML" and this should work, don't take me long to catch on does it....duh!
     We road up the South Shore yesterday to Bayfield, WI. and ran right into an Indian Pow Wow, the Red Cliff 35th traditional Pow Wow.  A nice souvenir button for the $5 to get in and Bev naturally had some Fry Bread (a fry bread taco actually) and I had a Bison burger which was terrific!  Many colorful outfits worn by the Indians participating in the dancing and ceremony, and I'll never figure out how those big bad braves have such high voices when doing their chants while beating the drums.  At times and I'm not being disrespectful, when their chanting it's almost or sounds similar to packs of coyotes I heard so many times living in Arizona.  Besides the colorful outfits and all the feathers and skins, the high point for us had to be the young boys participating in the hand held drum singing as they call it.   This is chanting with English rhymes or words to the songs mixed in with the chanting or Indian words and some where really funny, overall these were brave little pun intended.  Check FB for some pic's of these colorful outfits and more.  Oh yes, they had a casino there also and we had to give it a go as you might imagine and so glad we did the kitty grows once more!


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