Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 5 in Superior/Duluth

Hard to believe we've been here 5 days already, so much more we want to see and do here and now not sure when we will leave. Had planned on leaving after 7 days but a couple of things may change that, like another round of golf and looking up an RV service center. The only thing I can figure is that while driving in the storms and strong winds and sheeting rain from Des Moines into upper Iowa/Wisconsin we lost the cover off one of the A/C units on the roof. Need to see about getting another one and having the black water valve checked since it's been working hard to close (not a good thing) and don't want problems with that shit (literally)!........................ Had a great dinner with Kathy and Alan Nelson last night, born and raised in Superior, Wisconsin but now and have been for some years winter residence of Phoenix (Orange Wood village). We have golf with them today and then again tomorrow before celebrating the 4th and fire works over looking the lake. It's nice hooking up with friends while traveling and we have more of that to look forward to in Idaho and Oregon as we travel on towards home. We are really looking forward to seeing some things in North Dakota believe it or not but as I've said more than once before "there is so much to see and do in the United States" and we love exploring new towns and areas of this beautiful and wonderful country...................................... Once again this morning I looked at my phone(which I do occasionally while traveling)and seen 3 voice-mails all of which were from my Mother. When she calls I answer the phone, but so far I haven't been returning all, some but not all of the voice-mails. To hear them you'd think she might be in real trouble but since this last visit to Davenport I'm understanding more of what my family is and has been going through with her Alzheimer/Dementia. And yes my sister mentioned the "sun downer syndrome" which really is true I'm finding. Most the calls and voice mails are towards evening when she really seems to get bad. This is very hard to deal with and harder to understand from her side I'm sure as from those around her. I give my niece Mandy all the credit in the world for handling this on a daily basis and taking care of someone we all love dearly. Mom does not remember calling me or talking to me 5 minutes after we talk or call, it's hard to answer her questions honestly when you know just agreeing and going along with her will end things sooner if you know what I mean. It's oh so sad to watch someone who accomplished all that she did and go through all that she has gone through end up this way. You can see it scares the hell out of her and then in turn scares the hell out of me and the family. I will call Mom today and hopefully she'll be better and not so scared as in the voice-mails last night, she sounds so afraid in those evening calls as I'm sure she really is but there's nothing we can do.............................. On a brighter note we have a great day planned and since it doesn't get dark here until well after 9:00 p.m. we may do some more sightseeing and picture taking after golf and dinner. The days are flying by it seems, it's hard to believe we've been on the road for over a month already but oh so thankful the weather has been much better this past week. Heading to the stove to make a little breakfast and get ready to leave the motor home in about an hour for today's activities!

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