Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Just a note on the continuing saga of Obamacare and the jobs being created.

     Did you hear about some of the jobs being created due to Obamacare?  Of the thousands of jobs supposed to be created to just man call centers here in California answering questions about this fine piece of legislation, turns out it's about a 1/10th of those predicted.  Not only a very large reduction in the number of jobs but after these folks are hired their told it's only a part-time job at a lower wages than anticipated.  Why only part-time......because the State won't have to pay for health care!!!  The new employees are told health care will cost them approximately $1400 for single and $1900 for a family for health insurance.  Everyday it's something new being discovered about this Bill that no one could read until after it was voted on.  Just today the CBO comes out and once again RAISES the cost of another part of this joke......... we must scrap the Bill and not just the parts the president hasn't ALREADY scrapped, yes he has scrapped parts of his own joke of a bill.  Thank God more and more Democrats are moving away from this legislation each day.

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