Thursday, July 25, 2013

Portland, Oregon

     We spent the night last night in a suburb of Portland, Portland/Woodburn RV Park to be exact.  After a nice ride through the Columbia River Gorge we arrive early in the afternoon and got all set up by 3:30 or so.  We made contact with another friend from our home at the Friendly Village of Orange Wood, another snowbird who winters in Phoenix, Kitty Madlinger.  Kitty's from Germany originally and well renowned for her cooking ability around the park, and in charge of all our pot lucks and monthly meal get-togethers at Orange wood.  We did not intent for her to cook for us while here in the Portland area but rather than go out to eat she invited to her home for a home cooked meal.  We enjoyed an evening of conversation with Kitty, her daughter Connie and a very good dinner of pork chops, scalloped potatoes, apple sauce and salad.  The meal was much appreciated and really hit the spot, we thank Kitty and her daughter for the hospitality.  We are planning on Kitty coming to the motor home this evening for drinks and snacks and hope we can get this to happen before we leave the Portland area.
     We plan on leaving here tomorrow afternoon and heading to the coast and going down the coast as long as it visable for the motor home to navigate the sometimes narrow sections of highway.  We understand it's very beautiful but also understand it is more likely made for auto's of normal sizes and not 37 foot rigs towing 4 door Jeeps.......we see what happens, stay tuned.
     Today the plan is for Bev to wrap up some work and then do some sight-seeing of the Portland area and down town.  We do understand from friends and the news there is a real problem with homeless and the problems that go along with large groups and gatherings of these folks, so we may not spend too much time in the down town area.  Really don't like Oregon for the usual reasons, like being a PAC-Ten fan and Arizona State fan you really do hate the Ducks (O)'s and the Beaver's and the Trail Blazers for that matter!  I'm totally tired already of the freaking GIANT yellow & green "O" and saw my first copycat situation in a smaller Orange O with the word State under it for those pesky Beavers................Go Devils!
     I think it was on FB I mentioned "two months down and one to go" which means we've been on the road 55 days now, right at two months and the plans have been to get home towards the end of August.  Right now I'm feeling it wouldn't take too much to extend that after a brief stop to visit the family in Phoenix, who knows what will happen when that time comes to head home.

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