Thursday, July 25, 2013

Portland, Oregon day 2

     After Bev finished some work like until 11:00 a.m. or so we took off for down town Portland for some lunch.  Ended up at a Bay...what bay I really don't know or care at this point.  We ate at a place called Lil Cooperstown but no part of our "Alice Coopers Coopers Town" in down town Phoenix.  Very nice sports type bar and some really good sandwiches and beer, PBR on tap.................Give me a Blue!
     After eating lunch we sat on a bench by the bay/harbor and just people watched for a bit and let our lunch settle before tackling the down town streets.  Not knowing what to expect we were actually pleasantly surprised with the many tree covered streets in nice shade on a semi-hot summers day.  Then we noticed the "Street Food" wagons lining one block the around the corner up another block the around that corner and down another block and so on and on........the pic's are on FB and show just a few of the street food vendors.
     We stopped at you guessed it Wal-Mart on the way home to pick up some supplies and necessities for the trip towards California.  We will be pulling out of Portland tomorrow morning heading towards the coast and down into California.  I've made contact with Rich Paper and we plan on stopping by Sacramento to visit my cousins and their families for a couple of days, right now it's hard to give them a date but maybe in a few days we'll have a better idea on a time frame.  We also want to swing by Tahoe and then over to the Bay area and down into the Napa valley and Sonoma for a bit of wine!
     Bev just asked me what route we planned on taking out of here tomorrow and I said "pick one" then she looked at me and said with a sad face........"we're heading towards home."  All good things come to and end eventually, but wait we still have a lot to do and another month to do it.

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