Thursday, July 11, 2013

Short days travels full of stuff..............

     We didn't travel far today 195 miles that's only about 2 1/2 hours of driving.  Left Bismarck, ND and ended up in Glendive, Montana and the only RV park here is just that, a real DIVE!  It's cheap at $20 for 50 amps and water but I was just plain bushed and didn't feel like driving into Billiings which was our planned stopping point.  Why so bushed..........well we stopped for nine holes of golf at "Bully pulpit Golf course" in Medora, ND.  A young man at Nevada Bob's in Duluth was telling us if we came anywhere near this course we should give it a go, so we did and enjoyed it for the most part and found it to have some holes equal to some of the best holes in Arizona.  The North Dakota Bad Lands surround this golf course which was made by and with the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation, dedicated to preserving the rich history.  It was named "Bully Pulpit" because Bully was Teddy's favorite term and Pulpit because the way all the tee boxes are like platforms or pulpits looking down and over the fairways.  I'll be putting some pictures on FB of a couple of the holes and the beauty the course holds.
     On a different subject, I think of a lot of things while driving down the roads.  I have a lot of time to myself with Bev usually busy with her phone, computer and work calls especially when there's a 3 hour time zone difference.  At times it's nice just being alone with my thoughts and others it's probably annoying to Bev when I sing to my hearts content, especially when I can find an oldies station on the radio.  Anyway for the past couple of days I've been dwelling on who's the keepers of the highways and byways, the interstates and the back roads, who's constantly watching over these roads?  I've come up with what I think is the answer, it's the "Red-wing Black bird"............I find that no matter what State I travel in is seems these birds are always along the road side sitting up on fences, reeds, sign post, mile markers etc.  You usually can't travel much more than a mile without seeing one or two or flying across the road looking for something tall and skinny to lite on.  Other than watching those birds I also to this point must keep my eyes peeled for deer running onto the road.  Iowa and Wisconsin was freaking nuts with deer along the road sides and jumping out and running out and many just laying along the roads dead.   We've seen literally dozens of deer just standing along the roads in the weeds thinking about it, it seemed the closer to towns and cities they became more plentiful.  We had one close call with on yesterday darting out of the trees, I seen it running towards the road and started hitting the brakes and all of a sudden (with things flying off shelves and tables in the back) the stops at the roads edge as I pass it by..........close call.
     Gotta enhance, crop, shade and basically get my pictures ready for FB, check them out the golf course and Bad Lands should be some good pics.


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