Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12th..........Monday

Well here I sit in Birchwood RV park, Durham NC, got the Jeep all hooked up, ate breakfast, showered and waiting for Bev to get done so I can dump and hit the road. Not much news of yesterday or on tap for today, we got the laundry all caught up yesterday and then just relaxed a lot in the afternoon and early evening. Not really much to do or see in "Duke" country, the campus seems to be spread all over the place and more dumpy looking that I would have imagined. The city like a lot of the cities here in this part of the south are full of woods, trees lining most all streets and roads to the point of not being able to see much scenery on either side. Durham looks to be as old a city as it actually is, not really the beautiful southern city I had imagined.

With the threat of T-Storms the next few days throughout this region and on into the Mid West the humidity has become unbearable. Bev and I were just miserable yesterday before during and after doing the laundry, we actually long for some dry weather days like Arizona (Phoenix) and can't ever remember feeling this bad when we lived in the Mid West years ago. We're thinking this humidity may be just unusually brutal right now, but whatever it sure is not they way we would prefer living. I know in the past I've jabbed at the Mid West weather compared to that of Arizona, winter, summer etc. but being totally honest......................this weather sucks! How do you ever get used to being ringing wet all the time, I changed T-shirts 4 times yesterday because each was soaked with perspiration!

OK, I'm off to dump this mornings showers and dish washing stuff and hit the road...........hope today and tomorrow are more exciting! Bristol here we come!

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