Thursday, July 22, 2010

I sue you, you hire me, I probably sue you again and you give me a promotion!

I don't care how you feel about Sherrod and what's been going on the past few days, but now we learn that the president fired her before CNN, FOX, O'Rielly, or anybody else said a word about it on air. CNN, not FOX played the clip and ran with it first is sounds like but yet "little Nickie" (Rahm Emanuel) has said more than once..........we'll twist this to our advantage by spearing FOX. Now whether you like FOX or not you must give some credence to the highest rated network news by far over all the other biased networks reporting what the left wants them to report on. Now for CNN to break this and play the clip first shows a hint of balls on their part, finally becoming a news organization once more rather than a showcase for the left.

But here's what I find amusing about the entire thing, here's a person that sued the government, our government, won big, and then was hired by the same government by the same arm of the government that she sued and now can potentially sue OUR government once more which could just be one of the biggest landmark law suits in history and will no doubt in my mind win! Below you will find a paragraph copied showing her law suit against we the people of the United States.

During the 1980's Sherrod along with other activists sued the USDA in order to protect the remaining black farms which are in danger of becoming shut down. The Department agreed to a compensation which was to be paid between January 1, 1981 and December 31, 1999. The event was considered as "the largest civil right settlement in history, with nearly $1 billion being paid to more than 16,000 victims." A bill was passed in 2008 to allow another 70,000 more potential claimants to qualify. Taken from Wikipedia.

Sherrod also has been accused of being communist as many in this administration are and have been associated with. Below another copied sentence from Wikipedia....

She would later return to Georgia to help the Department of Agriculture in Georgia "to help minority farmers keep their land." After finishing her education, Sherrod went to Lee county, Georgia, where she co-founded a black communal farm project known as New Communities Inc., which was modeled on kibbutzim in Israel. The 6,000-acre project was opposed by white farmers, who accused participants of being communists. A drought in the 1970's ultimately led to the project to be shut down in 1985.

All I'm saying is this gal's been around and has taken from our government and taken and now will probably be taking a lot more because SHE made a racist remark.

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