Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday, June 21st............

Woke up this morning at 5:00 am to a light rain coming down on the motor home roof, made some coffee, had a cup and decided I couldn't start packing and shutting things out side the coach so why not go back to bed for a while. The light rain isn't bad when it's all quiet and you still a bit sleepy, so I dozed off for about an hour. Woke again at about 6:15 or so laid there for a bit then got up and had my breakfast and by this time the rain had quit and I was able to start getting ready to head out towards Bagley, Wi.

Bev woke a short time later and started getting the inside closed up and helped me finish the outside and we ended up rolling out of West Lake about 10:00 am to a very overcast sky but the rain seemed over with. Sam (Samantha, my GPS girl) took us out hwy 61 towards DeWitt, Maquoketa and onto Dubuque and into Wisconsin, nice roads for the most part put they had their moments of rough and tough sections. Stopped for gas in Maquoketa and became instant celebrities at this little gas station, 5 or 6 people from inside ran out before I even got out of the coach and then ran right back inside. When I went in they all started laughing and I asked where I was from............I said Phoenix, Arizona and the in unison they all said "we were close", "we ran out and looked at your license plate when you pulled in. We all had another laugh and I filled the tank...............on my honor, small town folk said I didn't pay first just pump come back in......guess they thought they could catch me if I drove off.

Arrived in Bagley about 1:00 got set up at the camp ground and spent until 10;30 or so eating dinner and chewing the rag with Mike and Patty and even play a few hands of euchre. A lot of talking about the old times in the bread business and catching up with children and grandchildren. Very nice evening and can't wait until tomorrow.......................truly good friends!

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