Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mendota Hills Campground, Amboy, Illinois

We left Bagley, Wi. right at 9:00 am and made it to Madison and the Camping World just outside of Madison in Deforest, Wi. The folks at Camping World got us in without having an appointment at around 1:00 pm and we were out of there at 3:30 pm with the oil changed and filter. These guys were very nice and squeezed us in when they had a full day scheduled and we were very greatful, thanks to the crew at Madison Camping World.

I want to again thank Mike and Patty for being the most gracious host and for all the good meals while we were in Bagley, and our time together was so much fun we can't wait to see them again! We will make it a point to look them up whenever we're within a few hundred miles from them in any direction, wonderful old friends and we want to see them more often now.

While waiting for the coach to have the oil and filter changed Bev and I made our way into down town Madison, a nice down and capital area and combination college town. Bev had been there a few times before attending company annual meetings, the home office of Fairway Independent Mortgage is based in Madison. Bev was excited about showing me around a bit and we had a nice walk and lunch while visiting the capital area. I left the camera in the coach so no picture but they would have been great pictures of a quaint capital surroundings, sure looked nice in the summer but couldn't help but picture those streets packed with snow come November and on....

We're going to sit down tonight and at least figure out a destination for tomorrows travels, can't wait to see where we end up.

Mendota Hills Campground is way out of the way and a bit off the beaten path, but a nice little campground non the less. There are plenty of permanent campers here and a series of 4 little lakes, three of which are for fishing and one for swimming............catch and release on the bass but the rest are for the taking! I would come back or stay longer most anytime. Oh by the way today was a great weather day, sunny all day and temps from the 70's to the 80's, now that's more like it.

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