Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday a.m. in the Quad Cities

Well the weekend is over and so are the family reunions for another year, both the Anderson and Ackelson reunions were as usual very enjoyable. It is alsways good to see and catch up with family especially for us living so far away the rest of the year, Bev and I thoroughly enjoyed both days despite the rainy conditions.

It's raining again this morning and that makes every day since being in Iowa so far and I can honestly say we miss the sunshine immensely! If there are two things I dislike when it comes to weather, it's number on strong wind and then rain..............just plain miserable. We're hoping on of these next few days we can roll out the awning and just sit and enjoy a afternoon or evening on our patio here at the park and maybe even grill a steak too!

I will say laying in bed this morning listing to the rain on the roof of the motor home was kind of nice, but enough already a little bit goes a long ways. Now I must too admit that as I commented on FB today, this weather does make for some great snuggling! If everyone in the area feels the same way when it comes to the sound of rain on the roof and wrapping up in your blankie and snuggling with your best girl and friend there just might be a population explosion in the Quads 9 months from now!

Not sure what's on tap for today, Bev will no doubt get some work done and I've got to run to a couple of stores for a few things. This will be our first day of not having the feeling of being rushed or having to be somewhere or do something and that's going to be good. There are a couple of minor things I need to clean and fix on the coach and those I'll be taking care this morning..................let's try and not visit a casino today, we've seen all three now and have survived but there has to be more to the Quad Cities for us to do (but it's nice that we've been able to add to our gas kitty with the winnings)!

After two "pot luck" reunions over the weekend our First Line theropy weight loss program has suffered a bit and it's now time to get back on course and continue our exercise and proper eating habits..........wish us luck!

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