Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday a.m.

     Just returned from the progressive auto body shop for the initial estimate on the damage done by the hail the other morning.  It was a lot worse than I had thought, this guy found stuff I couldn't even see and came in with what he says is a very conservative estimate..........$6000.00!  Things like the roof he put down as to be repair but said it in fact may need to be replaced, molding the same and the hood definitely replaced.  His words were: "I won't lie to you, this is bad, worse than I imagined".  So when we get back to Phoenix I take it to a body shop specializing in this sort of damage ( the progressive rep called it an art to repair this sort of damage due to hail) and see what they estimate and go from there.
    In other news, we played golf once again yesterday with Alan and Kathy Nelson, this time at Nemadji golf course in Superior, WI.  As usual a couple of bad holes but pretty happy with the round of 47 on the front and 43 on the back, but very happy with the 13 fairways hit.  The driver is getting the ball down there straighter all the time, 15 fairways the other day and 13 yesterday, pleased as punch!
     Just paid for another night here at Northland Camping and RV park, needed to get the estimate and one last dinner with Alan and Kathy tonight before hitting the road tomorrow after we get all closed up and ready.  We'll be heading towards Devils Lake, North Dakota ultimately and it's actually only a 7-8 hours drive but we plan on it taking 2 1/2 days....hey a lot to see between here and there if you look!
     Right now I'm waiting for Bev to wrap up some work and get ready for a trip over to Duluth, we need to stop by the RV store and the Golf shop over by the Mall.  Lazy day ahead and travel day tomorrow!

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