Friday, July 31, 2015

Times flying by........

      Can't believe it's been 5 days since my last blog posting, so little seems to have transpired yet so much has.  We spent two nights in Woodburn, OR right near Molalla, OR where we had planned on stopping and paying another friend from Orangewood (Kitty Madlinger) a visit before heading to the coast.  A funny thing happen....Kitty and her daughter Connie had went to the coast for a couple of days, but returned in time for us to visit our last night there.  A short visit but a nice visit non the less, just one of the disadvantages of our traveling by the seat of our pants so to speak......we do like it that way though!
     It wasn't far to get to our next stop, Florence, OR, what a nice little place along the pacific coast of Oregon.  The liberal environment is a bit unsettling at times, things like hanging from bridges protesting ships heading to Alaska oil diggings while others paddle in  support from the kayak's made from petroleum!  Then you have the 5 cent deposit not all the regular bottle like a few other states (very few) but it's also on those paper thin water bottles you buy by the case....$1.20 deposit on a case and then you have to push them into a container with a hole to have the code read one by one at the store!  NO crushing.....and NO caps left on???  Oh well you take the bad with the good when in this corner of our country!
      First night in Florence and we got to visit with old friends Al Rojas and his wife Tabitha, they moved to Florence two years ago, actually the same time we were visiting the area last.  Hoping to do more with them during our weeks visit.  Two very nice looking golf courses and we plan on playing both during the week sometimes.  I'm sitting at an outside table at a place called "Spice Bistro" while Bev does some work and I do this blog....because our Wifi sucks at the camp site, oh well.  Good food and a lot of tourist walking by And locals with dogs!  I love dogs, but don't walk by my table and let your dog lick my leg while I'm eating!  I've had many a dog but never felt compelled to take them where or near strangers eating and enjoying the day, and trying to bring them into eating establishments......once more, oh well.
     Can't wait to take some pics of Sand Pines golf course tomorrow........links style course!  By the way did I mention the weather is nice, very nice, low to mid 70's here on the coast line.  One more note....I'm already tiring of seeing fluorescent yellow "O" and green crap........for me, Go Beavers when in Oregon!

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