Monday, March 30, 2009


There's a new show on TV Sunday nights called "Kings" that I watched the first week and really couldn't get into so didn't tune in this week. A show it seemed about a country like or maybe it was the U.S. and we were ruled by a King that did exactly what he wanted and ran the country exactly how he wanted.
Now after hearing on the news last night about the CEO of General Motors stepping down at the request of the government, specifically at the request of our King Obama, I had to step back and say to myself "were the hell am I. "This is a person that has held more press conferences in two months than most presidents hold in the first year, and all in prime time sort of like a King would do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that only if you borrowed money from someone like "Guido" did he have the right to ask for your job! I'm starting to become a bit scared...........

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