Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Taking Chance"
This is a made for HBO movie that no one should miss, a compelling story of a fallen Marine coming home. A story of what Chance goes through from his death until he arrives home to his parents and family. A story of Chance's escort and all military escorts and the service they preform for their fallen comrade. This is a must see movie and if you don't have HBO find someone that does over the next few days.
I checked and it will be airing at least over the next few days, the 12th, 13th and 14th for sure so please tune in you won't regret it.
The respect and care our armed forces give to their fallen comrades is awe inspiring to say the least and as a Veteran I too learned alot watching this movie.
"Chance Phellps was wearing his St. Christipher metal when he died on Good Friday, eight days later LtCol. Mike Strobl handed it to his Mother"

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