Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Looking for someone?
Have you ever came across and old photo or something from the distant past and seen someone you'd like to make contact with again? The other day I was looking at a photo of a vacation to Washington state to visit a friend of ours living there or at least they had moved there from Davenport way back when. Anyway, first I went to Dex and typed in the name got very little information, a few of the same names in different cities but did find one with relatives listed that would match that of my friends. So it says click here for more information on address, e-mail etc. and your then sent directly to this site or that site wanting to charge you anywhere from $1.95 to $39.95 for all sorts of data on someone that may or may not be the person your searching for. I spent the $1.95 for what I thought would be an e-mail address, but it ended up being a partial and for an additional $19.95 I could get the e-mail address and all sorts of other backround information, which I really had no business knowing unless I was a private eye on assignment or the law. Bottom line I took a couple of addresses off of Dex white pages and I'm doing it the old fashion way, writing a letter and hoping it's to the correct person or persons. Here's hoping the pony express gets me in touch with an old friend.

1 comment:

  1. You did better than me--I got nothing for my $1.95.
