Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Acai Berry..........Scam or just not reading!

Acai Berry; I haven't got the same complaint as most people I hear complaining about this being a scam. I'm not sure if it's a scam or not, I too ordered my 30 days supply for the shipping price of $5 and did this for the weight lose feature I've read so much about. I'm not an Oprah fan and hearing what she had to say didn't sway me to give it a try, it was Rachel Ray that convinced me to give it a go. I've been taking the Acai and Cleansing capsules for about 15 days now and can tell the cleansing may be taking place but certainly not the weight loss as of yet. But to get back to the scam part of this, if you read the invoice or statement sent with your order you'll see they are up front in telling you that you'll continue receiving 30 supplies until you call and stop the orders. Actually the one I ordered from gave me 15 days to contact them for full refund or to cancel further shipments of the capsules of both products. I made the calls, not more capsules and no more charges on the credit card. Oh sure they tried to get me to keep them coming but I told them I'd give it the 30 days and see what progress had been made and make a decision at that time whether to reorder or not, no other questions asked. Read what's given you folks and most of the time you'll be covering your butt!

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