Thursday, March 19, 2009

Taxes and Bonuses..............

Whether you believe those folks at AIG or any other company the taxpayers are bailing out deserve those bonuses or not is one thing, but what I find scary is that in a matter of a day or so the House of Reps. can and have approved a Bill taxing those bonuses. Now when I say taxing I mean taxing, like to the tune of 90% of those bonuses on persons making over $250K/yr. In this day and age if you stop and think about it $250K is not by any means the elite rich or wealthy, you'd be surprised at some of the folks you might know making at or near that income level. I think our government is starting to get into things that they should stay out of, why must we continually insist on increasing the size of government. Many of us either are or have been involved with receiving bonuses from our employers, whether they be incentive or retention bonuses one things for sure and that's when we see the taxes taken out of that check it can be a shock. Now imagine 90% at the drop of a hat because you pissed a small group of fellows off......................
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money"....unknown

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