Thursday, April 9, 2009

Conservative Iowa......not anymore!

It seems everyday is filled with something that you thought you would never see in your life time, like same sex marriage in my home state of Iowa! I guess I feel gays are welcome to do unto each other whatever they do unto each other and be happy, whatever makes them happy is fine with me. But now I can't help but feel after watching many of the political pundits in Iowa all excited over this news that the excitement is over what they feel will be a great economic boom for the state.....millions of dollars is what their looking for! Does that make it right, pass something like this only because of and for the economic reasons? If that be the case why not legalize prostitution and open up some clean whorehouses in Iowa for the economic benefits, just like casino's. What has happen to Iowa, what has happen to that conservative state with conservative principles, what have the liberals done with Iowa? Let the gays live together, do what they will to each other but come on Iowa.............marriage! Have the liberals completely taken over the state of Iowa, can you imagine the folks rolling over in their graves right now, like Ray, Branstad, even Harold Huges for Gods sake...........................................

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