Wednesday, June 11, 2014

West Lake Park, Davenport, Iowa

     We arrived and got all set up at West lake yesterday afternoon, the rain stayed with us most of the way from Des Moines.  There was a small window of just a misting while we got all hooked up but then rain the rest of the evening and what seemed like all night, or at least in sounded that way on the roof.  I guess they cut grass when they can because their outside the motor home cutting grass and it's wet as hell, guess what will be tracked in for the next few days!  I would love to go out and get the outside things set up but not sure of the weather, forecast says rain the next 3 days with sun on Saturday and then clouds for the next 3 days after that.  I'm starting to wonder if I'll get any golf in while in the Quad Cities, please pray for the sun and clouds to go away...thank you.
     First thing in town called Mom and arranged to have dinner, it was good to see her and she really looked good for going to turn 90 in July.  Mom's mind is still slipping and they call what she has  "sun downer" because she and her memory which isn't good at all gets even worse as the day grows into evening.  We ate at 5:15 pm and sure enough after the meal she got progressively worse even remembering my name, sad very sad but nothing can be done.
     Today is supposed to be laundry day and we'll head that way soon, but right now Bev is tackling a couple of work problems and Lisa is sleeping VERY I'm doing this and watching Chuck Hagel try and wiggle his and the presidents way out of breaking just one more law in a long line of breaking the laws by this administration!  What a joke they have turned our country into, the law means nothing to these folks.  Oh well that's for another blog but that's what I'm hearing as I type this.
     Looks like the rain has stopped for a few minutes so maybe I'll go out and get the coverings on the front window, don't dare put the awning out in case a storm comes up........what a way to live, sure don't miss the continued bad weather they get here in the Midwest.  We've had more rain in this week in Iowa that we get in 2 years in Phoenix, guess we need the corn and soybeans and someone has to suffer for that. 

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