Friday, June 20, 2014

Reunion of sorts

     After what seems like days and days of rain it seems tomorrow will be nice and sunny and last about two days, and we could use the break if not just to dry out the chairs on our patio.  Hard to believe it's already been 3 days since I last post/blogged, but rain or shine we've kept pretty busy helping Lisa and Jack have a good vacation.  If you also follow us on FB you've seen photos and status updates from the Field of Dreams to the Hawk shop and dinner and lunch here and there.  Myfitnesspal program has suffered a bit but we'll be back on track after this weekend, and it looks like even some golf on Tuesday before we hit the road for parts unknown right now.
     Do you believe in fate or divine intervention?  Well we do and it showed a bit over the past few days............let me explain.  How does one go from one of Bev's cousin to one of his neighbors and his buddy on a front porch in Buffalo, Iowa to a phone call to an old friend of mine living in Florida that all culminated in a reunion of three pallies that got hired the same day by a bread company in Davenport 40 years ago?  Dave Naab, Mike Thornton and myself all got hired by Peter Pan bread company (Trausch baking co. out of Dubuque, Iowa) on the same day 40 years ago and became great friends and up until I moved to Arizona did so many things together like brothers.  We golfed, bowled, worked, dined, partied, and went way too far many times together for the 12 years I worked with them peddling bread in the Quad Cities.  When our union went on strike the only time while there Mike and I even became house painters to maintain some income while striking.  I've kept in contact with Dave over the years via computer, e-mail and visits but we kind of lost contact with Mike and Patty when they moved to Wisconsin upon retirement.  Bev and I visited Mike and Patty in 2010 in Wisconsin and had a great minnie reunion at that time, but the three amigo's hadn't been together for oh so many years.  To get back to the fate or divine meeting, we were at Bev's cousins in Buffalo when a neighbor of his stopped by and after a bit of conversation found out it was Mike's brother who was Bev's cousins good friend.  We're talking about how I met Mike etc. when he made a phone was to Mike who just happen to be in the Quad Cities visiting his mother.  Mike had moved to Florida a year ago and we have been thinking of a trip there to visit in the near future, but holy cow he's in the area and I'm about to talk to him.  To make a long story even longer, I made arrangements for Mike and Patty to meet with me and Bev and I was going to get Dave and Marilyn to join us for a reunion of three guys that laughed together way too much but loved it and each other.  Last night was just what I planned, a evening of laughs and reminiscing like the Boss's song of the "old days" only we enjoyed it and it seemed as though we didn't want it to end.  I miss these guys and realized what good friends they were and how I missed all the good times and troubled times we went through.  Mike leaves for Florida tomorrow, and we'll see Dave and Marilyn again before we leave but last night was as good as it gets for three old amigo's.  I now look forward to a trip to Florida to play golf with my old friend, Dave no longer plays but we have done so many other things together.  Mike is not a computer guy or a text guys or a FB guy so it's hard to stay in close contact other than phone calls, but I'll try and make that happen more ofter from here on out................good friends are sometimes hard to keep over the years but these guys are the best and I miss them already!
     Today it's a trek to find a good Iowa Pork Tenderloin and the consensus is the filling station, lunch there and then a Quad City Bandits minor league baseball game if the weather holds tonight.  The sun is shining but still some clouds, hope Lisa and Jack's last weekend of vacation here in Iowa stays nice like it is right now.   


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