Saturday, June 28, 2014

The 28th.....catching up!

     We extended our stay in Davenport until Friday morning in order to see Justin, his wife Kasey and son Mason home between duty assignments with the Army.  Justin is the son of our nephew and niece  Mike and Teresa Hayes, and Teresa made this great salad for a luncheon Thursday so we could have the opportunity to see Justin and meet his family.
     Thursday night was a last night out with friends Dave and Marilyn Naab, a nice dinner a visit to the boat (casino) to drop a few bucks then back to the coach for a short nights sleep before breaking camp and hitting the road in the morning.  We enjoy our time at West Lake in Davenport, the price is right at $21 a night and it's ideal for doing all we do while visiting the Quads.  Like wise Adventureland in Des Moines is the same for visiting our family there, just a bit more costly.
     We made a quick stop in Council Bluffs to visit Harrahs there, had a good but naughty meal and with the help of Bev being extremely hot.........we made a nice monetary addition to our coffers.  Bev was due and came through in the clutch.  Sightseeing here and there through Nebraska and tonight just inside Wyoming, tomorrow will bw a beautiful day in the beautiful state of Wyoming!  I think we'll stop by and say hi to Dick and Liz Chaney while checking out Wyoming.  We're still not sure how long or which direction from here, but the mountains seem to be calling and a stream of trout is sounding pretty good right too!  The closer to the 4th we get the harder to find a place to park or an RV park that's not booked over that we're playing it by ear at present, there's always Wal Mart in a pinch.

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