Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday, early afternoon

Well about 30 miles outside of Oklahoma City at a rest stop foe lunch.  We're all being good so far on our programs for fitness and weight lose, hope we can maintain a somewhat healthy trip this year,

One thing I really notice driving over the weekend was the number of trucks, big rigs on the roads.  I'll be posting some pics when I get the computer fired up in Des Moines of some shots.  Today, Monday it's like 1/3 the truck traffic we contended with over the weekend......not sure why but I like it.  If it wasn't for the usual rush to get to Iowa each year we'd be on secondary roads more often.

I've been driving right at 60 mph the entire time so far trying to get the best gas mileage possible, not sure it's doing much good but it's probably safer!  It's funny how back in the day it seemed you'd get pissed when someone passed you, so you constantly speed up.  I can honestly say to this point as far as passing goes I've only passed two vehicles and don't mind at all.  The motor home can cruise at 70 or 75 like everyone else, but why?  With a picture window in front of me there's just to much of this beautiful country to see and enjoy!  I love this country!

Heading for the Kansas turnpike for a bit then on into Mes Moines via Terribles in Oseola!

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