Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Arrived in Iowa

     Made the Iowa border about 10:00 am and after filling up once more at Lake Side (Osceola, Iowa) we have about 45 miles or so to Adventureland Park where we will call it home for the next 6 days.
     I must say the roads and Interstate 35 from Kansas City into Iowa have been the best and smoothest roads We've traveled in a long time.  Even the bridges and over passes are smooth or at least as smooth as most states main highways.  It has been a real pleasure traveling this morning....I thank you Missouri.  But you know me I must ad this observation, what's with a new mile marker every .2 of a mile?  Yes the expense to tax payers had to be enormous for a new sign letting me know every 2/10 of a mile the Interstate number, mile mark, the word mile, then either .2 or .4 or .6 or .8 to bro go up the bottom.  Making the signs, a crew of at 4 to put them in the ground, another crew of 4 in vehicles flashing arrows and on and on......millions upon millions I bet!  Oh we'll more post for the red wing black birds to roost on.

     Adventureland/Des Moines we're almost there!

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