There's a new show on TV Sunday nights called "Kings" that I watched the first week and really couldn't get into so didn't tune in this week. A show it seemed about a country like or maybe it was the U.S. and we were ruled by a King that did exactly what he wanted and ran the country exactly how he wanted.
Now after hearing on the news last night about the CEO of General Motors stepping down at the request of the government, specifically at the request of our King Obama, I had to step back and say to myself "were the hell am I. "This is a person that has held more press conferences in two months than most presidents hold in the first year, and all in prime time sort of like a King would do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that only if you borrowed money from someone like "Guido" did he have the right to ask for your job! I'm starting to become a bit scared...........
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Just read this on the internet today: " Concerned about the faltering war in Afghanistan, President Obama plans to dispatch thousands more military and civilian trainers on top of the 17,000 fresh combat troops he's already ordered." Do you think this would get the same minor coverage if Pres. Bush had planned to do this? I find it funny how since Obama was elected we hear very little about the war and all the troops going rather than coming home. You folks that believe there is no bias in the media take heed, I bet you won't find this story on tonights nightly news cast on NBC, ABC, or CBS...................go figure!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Quotes from times gone by.................
I received an e-mail from a good friend which contained a number of quotes from some knowledgeable men of times gone by. It sure if funny how the more things change the more they stay the same but yet we don't always learn from experiences. Read these quotes from days and men gone by and see how applicable they are to what's happening in and to our country right now.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." -- Thomas Jefferson
"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."-- George Bernard Shaw
"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!" -- P.J. O'Rourke
"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money." -- G. Gordon Liddy
"I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." -- Winston Churchill
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." -- Thomas Jefferson
"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."-- George Bernard Shaw
"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!" -- P.J. O'Rourke
"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money." -- G. Gordon Liddy
"I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." -- Winston Churchill
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Taxes and Bonuses..............
Whether you believe those folks at AIG or any other company the taxpayers are bailing out deserve those bonuses or not is one thing, but what I find scary is that in a matter of a day or so the House of Reps. can and have approved a Bill taxing those bonuses. Now when I say taxing I mean taxing, like to the tune of 90% of those bonuses on persons making over $250K/yr. In this day and age if you stop and think about it $250K is not by any means the elite rich or wealthy, you'd be surprised at some of the folks you might know making at or near that income level. I think our government is starting to get into things that they should stay out of, why must we continually insist on increasing the size of government. Many of us either are or have been involved with receiving bonuses from our employers, whether they be incentive or retention bonuses one things for sure and that's when we see the taxes taken out of that check it can be a shock. Now imagine 90% at the drop of a hat because you pissed a small group of fellows off......................
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money"....unknown
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money"....unknown
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Patty's Day
St. Patty's Day in Sedona, Arizona........beautiful as usual is all I can say. A week of R&R away from the usual R&R has been wonderful to say the least. My brother Russ and sister-in-law Cheryl joined us at the Villas at Poco Diable here in Sedona for a few days and it's been just as stated, relaxing. Now we're getting ready to go trout fishing again this morning and hoping to have a bit better luck than the day before, not even a bite first time out and that's unusual for me not catch at least one or two of the little beauty's!
Stopped by a near by Casino for dinner last night and did a bit of gaming.......profited abut $3000 so had a real good time and a not so bad of a meal. All in all the week has been good and will do nothing but get better you can be sure!
Stopped by a near by Casino for dinner last night and did a bit of gaming.......profited abut $3000 so had a real good time and a not so bad of a meal. All in all the week has been good and will do nothing but get better you can be sure!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"Taking Chance"
This is a made for HBO movie that no one should miss, a compelling story of a fallen Marine coming home. A story of what Chance goes through from his death until he arrives home to his parents and family. A story of Chance's escort and all military escorts and the service they preform for their fallen comrade. This is a must see movie and if you don't have HBO find someone that does over the next few days.
I checked and it will be airing at least over the next few days, the 12th, 13th and 14th for sure so please tune in you won't regret it.
The respect and care our armed forces give to their fallen comrades is awe inspiring to say the least and as a Veteran I too learned alot watching this movie.
"Chance Phellps was wearing his St. Christipher metal when he died on Good Friday, eight days later LtCol. Mike Strobl handed it to his Mother"
This is a made for HBO movie that no one should miss, a compelling story of a fallen Marine coming home. A story of what Chance goes through from his death until he arrives home to his parents and family. A story of Chance's escort and all military escorts and the service they preform for their fallen comrade. This is a must see movie and if you don't have HBO find someone that does over the next few days.
I checked and it will be airing at least over the next few days, the 12th, 13th and 14th for sure so please tune in you won't regret it.
The respect and care our armed forces give to their fallen comrades is awe inspiring to say the least and as a Veteran I too learned alot watching this movie.
"Chance Phellps was wearing his St. Christipher metal when he died on Good Friday, eight days later LtCol. Mike Strobl handed it to his Mother"
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Looking for someone?
Have you ever came across and old photo or something from the distant past and seen someone you'd like to make contact with again? The other day I was looking at a photo of a vacation to Washington state to visit a friend of ours living there or at least they had moved there from Davenport way back when. Anyway, first I went to Dex and typed in the name got very little information, a few of the same names in different cities but did find one with relatives listed that would match that of my friends. So it says click here for more information on address, e-mail etc. and your then sent directly to this site or that site wanting to charge you anywhere from $1.95 to $39.95 for all sorts of data on someone that may or may not be the person your searching for. I spent the $1.95 for what I thought would be an e-mail address, but it ended up being a partial and for an additional $19.95 I could get the e-mail address and all sorts of other backround information, which I really had no business knowing unless I was a private eye on assignment or the law. Bottom line I took a couple of addresses off of Dex white pages and I'm doing it the old fashion way, writing a letter and hoping it's to the correct person or persons. Here's hoping the pony express gets me in touch with an old friend.
Have you ever came across and old photo or something from the distant past and seen someone you'd like to make contact with again? The other day I was looking at a photo of a vacation to Washington state to visit a friend of ours living there or at least they had moved there from Davenport way back when. Anyway, first I went to Dex and typed in the name got very little information, a few of the same names in different cities but did find one with relatives listed that would match that of my friends. So it says click here for more information on address, e-mail etc. and your then sent directly to this site or that site wanting to charge you anywhere from $1.95 to $39.95 for all sorts of data on someone that may or may not be the person your searching for. I spent the $1.95 for what I thought would be an e-mail address, but it ended up being a partial and for an additional $19.95 I could get the e-mail address and all sorts of other backround information, which I really had no business knowing unless I was a private eye on assignment or the law. Bottom line I took a couple of addresses off of Dex white pages and I'm doing it the old fashion way, writing a letter and hoping it's to the correct person or persons. Here's hoping the pony express gets me in touch with an old friend.
Monday, March 9, 2009

Now for all of you that may not have every had a real Chicago you go!
I received this picture from my good friend and palley of some 36 plus years, Dave Naab, this guy knows Wrigleyville and know Chicago Dogs and introduced them to me before a game one Wednesday (Breadman's day off don't ya know) morning.
After the last posting I just thought I'd also not only share the Chicago Dog blog but this photo so everyone's mouth will be watering has my friend Dave's and mine are. Maybe it will be Joey's for lunch today!
Spring Training........
I had the pleasure of joining my family and one our favorite nieces and her boyfriend, who were in town from Iowa last week, to attend a spring training game. After living here in Arizona since 1984 I'm sorry to say this was only my second or third spring training game to attend. Up until full retirement I was usually working during the week and the games are always sell outs on weekends so just didn't hassle with it. Anyway we went to a Chicago Cubs vs. Los Angeles Dodgers game at Cubs spring training park, Hohokam Park in Mesa. Now one thing to keep in mind is that being from the Midwest originally I had occasion and did attend many a Cubs game at Wrigley in Chicago, and ate some of the fare provided at and around the ballpark! Do you know that I don't care where your from or what Dog they sell it's extremely hard to beat a good old Chicago Dog, from the Field, outside vendor, or the corner bar in and around Wrigley Field. I've had a few of them let me tell you, Dodger Dogs, Diamond Dogs, Tomahawk chop Dogs, Padre Wieners, one or two Dogs from the Bay area and even those crappy ones from St. Louis. Yes I ate a few here and there but you'll be hard pressed to beat a good old Chicago Dog let me tell you. Now to get to the end of the story my nieces boy friend had offered to buy be a couple of dogs and a beer, so off he went to the Hohokam stadium concession stand, the home of the Chicago Cubs during spring training. My mouth was watering just thinking about those bad boys, couldn't wait to get my mouth around a good old Chicago Dog. Oh yes, and they even sold Old Style beer just like in Chi town, dude what the hell else could a guy ask for, I'm getting excited! Here comes Steve with a couple of trays full of grub.............holy cow as Harry would say he set those trays down and I was in shock! What the hell was this? All I see is two over sized and I mean over sized wieners with a splash of onion, relish and ketchup............I don't need a over sized wiener, give me a good old Vienna and make it right.
OK, Chicago Cubs, baseball and they don't even serve a Chicago Dog! I have a place right up the road from the house on Carefree hwy. called "Joey's" and I can get a Chicago Dog there, and I mean a REAL CHICAGO you hear me Hohokam Park? If I ever attend another Chicago Cubs spring training game, I'll be smuggling in my own Dogs you can count on that.
I had the pleasure of joining my family and one our favorite nieces and her boyfriend, who were in town from Iowa last week, to attend a spring training game. After living here in Arizona since 1984 I'm sorry to say this was only my second or third spring training game to attend. Up until full retirement I was usually working during the week and the games are always sell outs on weekends so just didn't hassle with it. Anyway we went to a Chicago Cubs vs. Los Angeles Dodgers game at Cubs spring training park, Hohokam Park in Mesa. Now one thing to keep in mind is that being from the Midwest originally I had occasion and did attend many a Cubs game at Wrigley in Chicago, and ate some of the fare provided at and around the ballpark! Do you know that I don't care where your from or what Dog they sell it's extremely hard to beat a good old Chicago Dog, from the Field, outside vendor, or the corner bar in and around Wrigley Field. I've had a few of them let me tell you, Dodger Dogs, Diamond Dogs, Tomahawk chop Dogs, Padre Wieners, one or two Dogs from the Bay area and even those crappy ones from St. Louis. Yes I ate a few here and there but you'll be hard pressed to beat a good old Chicago Dog let me tell you. Now to get to the end of the story my nieces boy friend had offered to buy be a couple of dogs and a beer, so off he went to the Hohokam stadium concession stand, the home of the Chicago Cubs during spring training. My mouth was watering just thinking about those bad boys, couldn't wait to get my mouth around a good old Chicago Dog. Oh yes, and they even sold Old Style beer just like in Chi town, dude what the hell else could a guy ask for, I'm getting excited! Here comes Steve with a couple of trays full of grub.............holy cow as Harry would say he set those trays down and I was in shock! What the hell was this? All I see is two over sized and I mean over sized wieners with a splash of onion, relish and ketchup............I don't need a over sized wiener, give me a good old Vienna and make it right.
OK, Chicago Cubs, baseball and they don't even serve a Chicago Dog! I have a place right up the road from the house on Carefree hwy. called "Joey's" and I can get a Chicago Dog there, and I mean a REAL CHICAGO you hear me Hohokam Park? If I ever attend another Chicago Cubs spring training game, I'll be smuggling in my own Dogs you can count on that.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Acai Berry..........Scam or just not reading!
Acai Berry; I haven't got the same complaint as most people I hear complaining about this being a scam. I'm not sure if it's a scam or not, I too ordered my 30 days supply for the shipping price of $5 and did this for the weight lose feature I've read so much about. I'm not an Oprah fan and hearing what she had to say didn't sway me to give it a try, it was Rachel Ray that convinced me to give it a go. I've been taking the Acai and Cleansing capsules for about 15 days now and can tell the cleansing may be taking place but certainly not the weight loss as of yet. But to get back to the scam part of this, if you read the invoice or statement sent with your order you'll see they are up front in telling you that you'll continue receiving 30 supplies until you call and stop the orders. Actually the one I ordered from gave me 15 days to contact them for full refund or to cancel further shipments of the capsules of both products. I made the calls, not more capsules and no more charges on the credit card. Oh sure they tried to get me to keep them coming but I told them I'd give it the 30 days and see what progress had been made and make a decision at that time whether to reorder or not, no other questions asked. Read what's given you folks and most of the time you'll be covering your butt!
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