Friday, October 14, 2016

More trouble ahead, more than some will admit.

    " My candidate for president is flawed, my candidate for president is nasty, my candidate for president is shady beyond reproach and I wish we all had another choice but this is what it is."  I'm afraid we all will be voting for what we feel is the better of two evils, the least of two despicable human beings that are or have been driven by money, power and not what's best for our country!
     Only because you may know me can you tell who my candidate is, those that don't know me from Adam might think I'm talking about either candidate in this election cycle.  The above can easily describe either candidate for president, the difference is as a Trump supporter I know what I will be voting for and can admit it, those on the left still have the blinders on and can't admit their candidate is exactly what Trump calls her.........."a crook" no doubt about it.
     This is not a Hillary bashing blog so don't just turn it off thinking that I'm going to spend this time just finding fault with your beloved Hillary or your beloved Trump!  
     Yes that seems to be the difference between conservatives and liberal progressives, as conservatives we know and will admit our candidate at least was a sleaze-ball, but by having the liberal media backing the other candidate you only hear the evil of the other side.  As Trump supporters we wanted change from the old political standards, new blood and new ideas and we will openly admit Trump has turned out to be just what all you liberals say he is..............but we also know Hillary is more flawed when it comes to matters of state than you on the other side care to admit openly!  We all know now from leaked e-mails that Hillary is one person when speaking to you and a totally different person behind the scenes but you won't acknowledge those facts.  Facts, yes Trump is and was a womanizer, a bad boy, but we know exactly what we're getting with a vote for him.  On the other hand the same liberal, left leaning tree hugger that eight years ago proclaimed her a crook, nasty and married to a deplorable womanizer for some reason can't remember all that.  She is not a champion for women, she is only using being a woman to help get elected, she is not a champion for minority's but using them as a means to an end.   The same person your beloved Obama labeled so many dirty and illegal things and much more right along with you eight years ago is now squeaky clean in those same eyes..........unbelievable to me!  We know you are voting for her, but don't make her out to be this Mother Teresa type, the leaked e-mails don't lie.  Oh yes you probably don't even know of these e-mails because ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN do not report or go in depth on them....and heaven forbid you change channels once in a while to hear the other side of fair and balanced reporting.
     Trump most likely as we know has said and done some terrible things in his life as far as some are concerned.  All be it some 20 to 30 years ago in today's politics its all fair game.  He deserves all the scrutiny that is being reported on in the case of his comments about women and maybe some shady business dealing, just like so many other wealthy business men throughout the world.  Sometimes just like anybody would, he made money for his brand and his shareholders and others anyway he could legally or by using the laws to his advantage.......can't say Hillary didn't do the same, but won't hear any of her supporters say so.
     Hillary you must admit, has put our country at risk with her decisions from e-mails, servers, to the mysterious disappearance of so many of those willing to blow the whistle on her and the phony foundation.  Just today the White house has been implicated in some of the latest e-mails released, some very shady things that would put any one of you reading this in prison no doubt about it.  There are now cover-ups far worse than Watergate and beyond, but deep down we all know this is business as usual in Washington.
    Trump has been a real nasty dude, down right disgusting at times, Hillary is and has been a crook for a very long time and admit it or not you all know it's true.  We will all vote for the better of two evils (even though the left won't admit that) and Hillary will probably win because there are so many uninformed voters that will vote on gender, for Bill, and because that's just what minorities do year after year without knowing why.  It may be hard for some to admit, but if any of the other 16 republican candidates had won the primary this race would have been over months ago hands down.  Donald Trump is a flawed candidate, he is despicable in so many ways but we can say the exact thing about Hillary Clinton, she is definitely not without sin.  We would just like to hear from the left that this is true, even the highly educated can't admit these things and they are supposed to know better than the dummies questioned on the streets with their just plain stupid uneducated answers.
     Don't look now, but I can see an impeachment hearing on the horizon in the next couple of years!

You could listen to taped conversations from locker rooms, men and women's, bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, military barracks, dorm rooms, sorority houses, fraternity houses and if you just read the transcripts you might not be able to tell which came from which..............well maybe you could but they both might be damaging to some virgin ears believe it.  Get down off that high horse!  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

111 days on the road and we're going to make it home tomorrow!

     I remember a country song where he sings "Six days on the road and I'm gonna make it home tonight"!  Well we will be 111 days on the road tomorrow and God willing we'll be home tomorrow evening.  We don't want it to end but we're not full-times yet so home base and obligations but me met.  We're already talking of the short winter time trips we'd like to make to California and parts of Arizona or even Texas, way down south Texas that is.
     This year we played a lot of golf at a lot of very nice courses all over the south, we traveled more miles than we had in the previous 8 years of travel.  We're roughly 421 miles from home right now as we sit here at this fine Route 66 RV resort, that being said when we get home our total miles for this years journey will be right at 8895 miles.  A lot of miles and a lot of beautiful country and a lot of beautiful people visited and met along the way.
     Some of the cities we'll never forget like Biloxi, Mississippi or Savanna, Georgia, the there was Port St. Lucie, Florida and St. Augustine, Florida and who could forget Bristol and the surrounding area of Abingdon.  I finally talked Bev into visiting Branson, Missouri and we loved it, the shows the golf it was worth the time spent visiting.  This rig we call home while on the road now has been in 44 of the 50 states of our country and one is impossible to drive to so 44 of the possible 49 states we can travel to.  Next year it looks like Bev wants to finish the New England states, so we'll see how that goes next year.
     The passing of my Mother came quickly, after our visit early in our journey to Iowa we anticipated seeing her once more next year.  We were lucky to be able to make it back and visit Mom once more and be by her side in her final hours.  Mom was ready to go and we all know she's now in a better place and has her memory back and with Dad.  It was also good that we could drive down to Texas get brother Dave and take him back with us to visit Mom before she passed.  We ended up spending quite a bit of time in Iowa, so much so it felt like we lived there again.  It was good being with family.
     I've enjoyed sharing our travels with those that visited my blog, and I hope those of you that visited enjoyed reading about our travels and living them with us via this medium.  I may or may not have an epilogue to this journey upon returning home, if not I appreciate your visits and hope you enjoyed traveling with us.  We thank the "577" visitors to the blog to this point and hope my rambling wasn't too boring.


Monday, September 12, 2016

Can Fall be upon us already?

     Here I sit in North Platte, Nebraska at 7:15 am and it's just now starting to get a bit light outside!  The cool breeze from last night with the windows open has turned into a bit of a chill as I sit here in this quiet solitude.  I just nuked a cup of two day old coffee and it taste wonderful, just like I've done so many times in the morning.  I first noticed it yesterday when I woke up to darkness in Council Bluffs, Iowa, it must be nearing Fall and winter darkness in the early mornings.  This has been one of our longest journeys (do you mind that I call these journeys?  Being retired I find it hard to say vacations because those always have to end and these do not, especially when I hear during the Cardinal game that it was 103 in Phoenix at game time.)  we entered Iowa with the corn green and about knee high already and left with it mostly brown and almost ready to pick!  Yes, the crackling of corn stalks in the breeze, the stiff dryness of the stalks tell you it's almost Pheasant season and Fall is upon us.
     Bev and I both say to ourselves numerous times "I don't want to go home yet" but then we think of the kids and grand kids and can't wait to get back to see them once more.  With the passing of Mom and the kids coming to Iowa for the funeral we got a taste, but then were ready to move on once more to being alone together.  I'm not sure two people can get much closer together than we have and do on these journeys, we love being together now more than ever in seems.................Beverly is truly my best friend!
     From here it's either a few days in Colorado somewhere or Moab, Utah, regardless whether we do either one or just head home it has been a wonderful 4 months of travel and adventure on this 2016 trek.  We're trying to get home by Matt's birthday on the 19th otherwise who knows what or where we would go from here.  Stay tuned to find out, all I know now is that I just might turn the heater on to take the chill off................I woke up to balmy 59* this morning and this old Arizona blood is thin and feeling a bit cold.

P.S. The Arizona Cardinals secondary better step it up or this might be a long season!  

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

All good things must end

     This could mean a lot of thing now that I think about it, not only our journey of 2016 but as most of you know our trip was delayed with our return to Iowa due to the passing of my Mother.  A deeply religious person was she and that being said I know she is now in a better place and back with Dad and all her friends and family that went before her.  We thank God for the time we were able to spend with her before she left, even though the Alzheimer/Dementia had pretty much left us wondering if and what she understood.  My last eye to eye contact with Mom was while I was at the foot of her bed, I teared up and she managed a smile and shook her head no-no-no as if to say "it's OK I'm going home to Dad."  Mom will be missed and remembered for a lot more that just that.
      After 13 more days in Davenport and parked at West Lake once more we left for Des Moines for another visit with Bev's family.........because as you might have figured, that's what we do!  When we're close to friends and family during our travels we make arrangement to pay them visits as long as their willing to have us.  Plans were for one night here in Altoona, Iowa Adventureland RV park and then head straight home to get Lisa and Jack back by Friday the 9th of September.  Yes, plans were for Lisa and Jack to ride back with us to save a little airfare after all that we had spent to this point getting everyone back for the funeral.  But wait a minute!  Maybe we'd like to spend a little more time on the road and not get home by the 9th, that sounds much better!  Both Bev and I neither one are ready to return just Jack and Lisa will fly out Friday for Phoenix and Bev and I will continue our travels as planned towards Utah and then south towards Arizona and Phoenix to get home on or near the 19th of September.  We will continue to visit family in Des Moines until Friday morning and head west and might even get another round of golf in here in Des Moines!
     As much as we miss family, believe it or not we can't wait to be alone and on the road again and maybe out of country that rains day after day after day.  Yes, we had a few days of sun and nice temps before leaving Davenport and now we're in Des Moines and it's raining once more.  Being from Arizona where we get roughly 7 inches of rain a year we have definitely had our share for the year on this trip, hell we've been where we've had almost 7 inches in a day!  I've mentioned this as being one of this has been our longest trip yet in the motor home.  As of now sitting here in Des Moines, Iowa we have put 7308 miles on the coach since leaving Phoenix back on May 27th, now with heading to around Zion, Utah and then towards Phoenix we ought to end this trip with over 9000 miles traveled.  This amount of miles will end up being roughly 2500 to 3000 more than any other journey to date!  Let's all knock on wood that this old girl gets us back home without any problems....I see you all didn't knock on wood, let's do it now together!  Thank you!  By the way, the price of gas has made this a most enjoyable journey in one respect, right now we're paying the highest prices since leaving Phoenix back in May, right near $2.20 give or take a few pennies either way.
     The blogs aren't over, I feel a couple more before we end up in Phoenix so stay tuned to this channel for more updates we enjoy sharing our adventures.

Mike & Bev



Friday, August 26, 2016

Up's and Down's...High's and Lows of the past week.

     Plans to leave Bristol and head westward towards maybe Colorado or Wyoming for a week or so changed when my sister called with news of my mother being put into the hospital.  We learned she was admitted with pneumonia and other complications from that and it's causes.  Within hours of that first call she calls back and we have to make a decision according to the doctor weather to DNR or start a feeding tube, since at this point she hadn't ate in 5 days.  Shocking phone call to say the least, with me and Bev on the road in Tennessee, brother Dave in Texas with literally no way to get back to Iowa and Russ and Nancy in Davenport.  Bev and I decide we need to do something about Dave so we arrange to head the motor home to Texas, pick up Dave and bring him to Davenport long with us.       Where in Bristol, Tennessee on Sunday and ready to head out, about noon or so we decide to head to Jefferson, Texas to pick up Dave.  Mine you I usually only drive between 300 and 400 miles a day and stop for the night, now I'm under the gun thinking we need to get to Mom ASAP.  We're assuming her condition according to the doctor is dire and if we want to see her again we need to move out.  From Tennessee to Texas and on to Iowa two days (stopping once at an RV park to sleep for about 7 hours), it was like 39 hours of driving in 48 hours and my ass was kicked!
     As we're heading north we get news that the doctor is dumb founded, why...........Mom had a 180 degree turn-around and now was breathing on her own but still fighting the Pneumonia.  We had folks and friends praying from all over the country and by God's will it helped and we got there in time to visit and are still visiting as she still fights to improve.  Far from out of the woods yet, but eating a bit and talking even though she still has a very hard time knowing who we all are.
     So..........we had no plans to revisit Davenport, Iowa on this years journey but here we are and as of now will be here at least through Tuesday the 30th when we fly Dave back home.  Yes, we're flying him home because we don't want to make that trip in that direction when we do leave and he has stuff to take care of in Texas.
     Up's and Down' day you're on the phone with your siblings deciding your Mothers fate and the next day there is a little hope!  We find out this morning she still needs some breathing assistance during the night, and her lungs are still not clear but we have hope this too will improve.  At 92 years old it's hard because the body and all it's parts are not working as they once did, but those decisions we had to make I really don't want to have to revisit.  We hope she goes back to the home soon and when that happens we'll probably start heading west once again.
     Facebook has been a real comfort to Bev and I and the family, so many prayers and best wishes that it's just so nice to have so many friends and family respond in the ways they have.  I do know I have some folks that most likely have me blocked on FB because they might not agree with my views on a lot of things,  you can see who most of them are at times like this when they might be absent with well wishes etc.............but we know they still care and I for one appreciate all my friends and family and their well wishes in times like this.
     It's nice to be camping again at West Lake here in Davenport, good to be off the road after the past few days of hard driving, but we also can't wait to continue our journey and hope Mom gets better soon.  This journey is coming to an end very soon, we hope to be back in Phoenix by mid September but are playing it by ear now.  Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes for Mom and hopefully the next blog will be lighter and full of travel tidbits.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Jam packed two weeks..................

     I know........I can't believe it's been two weeks since my last blog posting, but it has been a jam packed two weeks!  We have now been in the Abingdon, Bristol area of Virginia and Tennessee for long enough to start paying taxes.  This area call the Tri-Cities on the border of these two states has been home since the 8th of August in two different camp/park grounds.  Hell let's add the 3 days in Fayetteville, NC visiting family on a surprise visit and we're coming close to becoming "Red Necks."
     It was good to surprise my sister Nancy and her grandson and his family in Fayetteville, we were in the area and with help from Teresa we pulled it off.  Teresa's son and my sisters grandson is stationed at Fort Bragg with the Army, it was a nice reunion for all of us.
     Carlisle and Sherri Cox were are neighbors while living on Tanya road in north Phoenix for like 8 years, where we became very good friends.  There was no way we were going to be in or around Abingdon, Va. where they call home now and not visit.  We spent 6 days in the Abingdon area and had some great memories recalled and new adventures started.  From dinners to a day of pontoon boating on the lake and throw in some golf with Carlisle and one of his school mates, it was much fun and reminiscing.  I must add at this point, we dodged a lot of rain while visiting these folks, down pour here but dry as a bone at camp on and off for those days.  We could play golf in the mornings and have the rain hold off until we finished it seems, all was good.
    Then we have Bristol..............Yes "Bristol Baby" as in NASCAR racing and Bristol Motor Speedway!  My cousin Darilyn and Ed Smith are joined by cousin Robin and Johnny each year (at least for the past 10 years or so from what I can gather) for a week of camping and taking in all the BMS racing and festivities for the week.  Ever since we've been taking these journey's Darilyn has been after us to join them for one of these festive weeks.............and so with Abingdon being just 10-20 miles away we made the commitment to join Ed, Darilyn and their group of friends for this happening!  They have been camping at a place called "Farmer Bob's" for the past 10 years or so and we made arrangements to join and their group camping at Farmer Bob's.  This would be dry camping, yes, dry camping with no hook-ups, all self contained camping in the motor home!  Up until now we have only "dry camped" for maybe a day no more that two, we like our rolling hotel to be hooked to power and water and sewer!  Question was............can we live with 60 gallons of fresh water, 42 gallon tank of solid waste and 42 gallons of grey water waste and generator electric for a week or 8 days?  Let me add right here that it's now the 6th day and we are doing great, still 30 gallons of water and only used up about half of our waste tanks...........I think we'll make it, and believe it or now we don't stink!  Conserve, conserve, conserve has been the word of the day each day.  The group is 16 strong and we all eat meals together and party together and drink apple pie together.........seems like a lot of apple pie (shine.......moon shine........home made stuff)!  One cook, Ed and you better stay out of his kitchen, and what a great job he does with breakfast and dinner, lunches we're on our own, feeding a group of 16 of us can be a real job.
     Now the bad, the rain has not stopped at least part of each day.  It got so bad the other night there was a flash flood that washed out the sight the rest were camping in, Bev and I were across a lane and on a hill side 20-30 yards from their setup.  Farmer Bob's is a cow pasture for all but 2-3 weeks a year, the Bristol races and Drags I guess.  After the rains stopped that evening the group moved their entire camp behind us on the hill in just 2 hours...........a major feat to be sure!
     Beverly and I didn't have tickets to the races, Truck racing on Wednesday night, Xfinity racing on Friday night and Cup racing on Saturday night, and just planned on hanging around camp and watching on TV.  That was fine with us, we were a late committing pair for this week at Bristol.  As it turned out another couple couldn't make it and we were offered the tickets to buy, so now we're going to the races.  Wednesdays truck racing did take place after long delays of rain and drying the track but the evening became very long and they got the race completed.  Now we're all praying the rain comes during the day and stops come evening time, especially the Saturday night event, the big guys.
     Today is Friday the 19th and we are looking forward to tonight's racing, we hope they run without delay and finish at a decent hour, if not oh well...................the past two weeks have been full of fun with friends and family and we're so glad we made these stops.  Along with paying taxes in this area I think we might be picking up bit of that southern drawl, not all bad folks because we have so enjoyed all the southern hospitality shown us and appreciate all that has been shared with us.  Love all these folks and will miss them when we finally head farther west and homeward.

P.S. Yes we bought NASCAR shirts with drivers and Bristol Baby logo's and #'s!!!!  Red Necken!  


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Places we've like so far

     It came to me this morning, the question of where have been that we really liked being on this journey of 2016.  There have been many roads which have been new roads traveled for us since starting these treks back in 2008.  The routes from Phoenix to Iowa pretty much have been the same over these years, but after Iowa it has been like spider webbing across this great country.  Beverly has answered the question for me quite a few times on this trip, we've like them all!  If I've heard this once I've heard it quite a few times after a day or so in each of our stops.......Beverly: "if it wasn't so far from Phoenix I could live here."  I must say from all our stops along the Gulf Coast to the West coast of Florida to the East coast of Florida all the way down to the Keys, we've enjoyed each place very much.  Have you ever heard the term "Southern Hospitality" well we have witnessed it first hand so many times on this journey.  Oh it hasn't stopped, leaving Florida, Georgia and on into South Carolina we have met nothing but friendly and helpful folks.  No matter whether it's a camp site or grocery store or the many golf courses we've played to Camping World for minor repairs each has been pleasant.  If you've ever been in a Camping World you know for service there's always a long wait, they are always busy.  We needed two this trip, one for routine oil change and generator service and two days ago to fix the connection between the coach and the car so we would have lights on the car.  In both cases after hearing we were passing through and from Arizona they bent over backwards to get us in and back on the road.  I'm talking to the service manager and getting the paper work done for the wiring problem and believe this, by the time we finished the paper work and I went back to the coach they already had a guy working on the 7-way (which was the problem and then replaced it with a new one) and we were back on the road in about an hour.  Mind you we are ready for long waits or even overnights but that hasn't been the case on this trip, we are so blessed to have these types of folks taking care of us.
     I'm writing this from Summerton, South Carolina at the Palmetto Shores RV Resort, got here yesterday and leaving in the morning heading in North Carolina then onto Bristol, Tennessee.  After a few years of being invited were going to join a couple of cousins and friends for a few days for the NASCAR races there the weekend of the 13th.  In between we'll be squeezing in a little R&R around Abingdon, Virginia while visiting some old neighbors of ours who moved from Phoenix back home to Virginia a few years back, it will be good to see all these folks again.
     The time has been creeping up on us and before we know it we will heading home for a while, yes a while since we plan on a couple of winter trips this year yet.  Bottom line Beverly just said the other day that she hadn't warmed up to the idea of this southern loop on a summer journey, but she is now glad I pushed for these roads we've been traveling.  Beautiful country, much history, and friendly folks makes for a wonderful journey so far!  On the road again and loving it.............


Sunday, July 31, 2016

Catching up a bit.............

     How fast 10 days has went by, so much has happen and so much has been enjoyed and I need to catch up on the blog a bit.
     St. Augustine, Florida, what can I say but that we are so glad we stopped and stayed for a few days.  Very beautiful, quaint in an old school way with it's European type sections of town, narrow streets, old buildings and pubs and eateries!  The Atlantic ocean was nice here and we even took in a few hours of beach time which made Beverly very happy.  The ocean even knocked this old boys body around once it took me off my feet!  Took some good pictures of the small surf and out waited some sand crabs for a few pics too!  We would highly recommend spending a few days there if you're ever in the area.  By the way we missed going to the "fountain of youth" but like I said on FB we drove by the place at least 6 or 7 times and I felt that was as good as a $12.50 shot glass of water!  We did not get any golf in while staying at St. Augustine but did visit the World Golf Hall of Fame.  What an awesome place this was even if you're not a golf enthusiast, there was so much to see and so much history of the game and it's players to learn about.  Another must see if ever nearby especially if you love the game of golf.  We could have and would have stayed another day or so but the RV resort was booked solid for the weekend so we hit the road towards Savannah, Georgia.
     Mind you the trip from Port St. Lucie to Savannah, Ga. is only 373 miles (5 hours 45 minutes roughly by car) we arrived in PSL on July 15th and we're scheduled to leave Savannah for South Carolina on the 3rd or 4th of August........that will be right at 3 weeks to travel 373 miles.  A jam packed 3 weeks it has been but a lot of relaxing in between too!  I would say if you would have told us we'd be spending right at 30 days in Florida on this journey we would have said you were nuts.  Remember that is what it will be, by the time we left the state, from Panama City to Spring Hill and then to Tampa and Port St. Lucie via Key West on into St. Augustine until we land in Savannah, Ga. via Jekyll Island.  Now Jekyll Island, we stopped there for what turned out to be quite a different experience.  We had heard about a cruise ship that went out to sea for 5 hour cruises on a 4 deck ship designed for a little casino gaming while and only when you reach international waters.  For $5 (only on $5 Fridays, any other day it's $10) you got dinner, roughly 4 1/2 hours of gaming and breakfast from 7:00 pm until 1:00 am the next morning.  We parked the motor home in their lot and decided to give it a go..................bad idea!  Not that we lost a lot of cash, just the opposite, we came out pretty good it was the rest of the trip that sucked.  Let me just say the $5 was way too much for the dinner and breakfast!  While heading out to sea we had Spaghetti and meat balls with a can of Hunts diced tomatoes for the sauce, and luke warm to boot!  The gaming was some old machines but did play some craps and blackjack.  On the way back to port breakfast was served, a silver dollar pancake, one 4" pancake with a sausage patty on top of which you had the option of putting syrup over this dynamic duo, these too luke warm!  NO shit, that was it..............................I cashed out $150 before departing which pretty much squared us for the evening, never again will be take something like that.  We ended up staying the night in the parking lot (thank God for the generator because it was hot) and heading into Savannah the next morning, so here we are in Georgia.
     Our first night we went down town Savannah just to check it out and what a a good way!  The old town was rocking, bars, dinning places, pubs, taverns all open and it's 11:00 pm and everyone is still eating dinner with lines everywhere.  The streets are packed with folks, dancing to DJ's, snacking on this or that and just plain having a great time.  The line dancing we've been seeing here in the south is nothing like the gals back at the home (Friendly Village of Orangewood) these folks are getting down baby!  Oh yes and the music is Hip Hop and not your old folks traditional line dancing music.  We first witnessed this on the cruise ship on the way back to port, you might have seen that brief video on FB I posted.  Anyway we plan on doing it again tonight after a evening meal with Paula Deen at here place of business down town, "The Lady and her Boys" dinner and buffet,  The reviews for her place are great and most recommend the buffet for a variety of her dishes.  Always like watching her on the Food Network and still feel she was given a raw deal over a little bit of bullshit.
     Hope to get back on the links while here in Savannah, but we plan on 4 days here at least so we'll see what happens from here...........last night before hitting down town it was another movie night, Jason Bourne, it was very good as usual.
     I must add that the next visit to Florida will take place during the winter months if and when we make this trek again!



Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Port Saint Lucie, Florida

     We left the Tampa area and arrived here in Port St. Lucie on the on the 14th of July and set up in the P.S.L. RV Resort and paid for a week.  After hooking up with Mike and Patty Thornton and playing some golf today I paid for an additional 4 nights here.
     Mike Thornton was hired the same day I was hired along with our good friend Dave Naab, we all were hired by Trausch Baking Co. one the same day and became very good friends.  I remained very close to Dave even with all the miles between us (from Arizona to Illinois) via e-mail, text, and phone calls, but except for a few visits here and there lost some contact with Mike.  When he moved to Bagley, Wisconsin we visited Mike and Patty up there a few years back and then again when they were in the Quad Cities visiting family a couple of years ago.  The three of us and our wives got together for a nice dinner and drinks at that time and had a great time reminiscing days gone by.  Now Mike and Patty live here in P.S.L. Florida and as soon as we new we were heading this direction this year we knew we had to pay them a visit and reunite old friends. (they actually had a lot to do with us even heading this direction along with our Tampa family).  It's been a great few days so far and we look forward to another 4 days with them.  Our friend Dave passed away a year ago last January and he is missed dearly, we've done a lot of talking about him this week and I'm sure there will be more "Daveism's" quoted before we leave!
     We've played golf twice already and I will be playing again tomorrow with Mike and some of his buddies and then Bev and I again with Mike on Friday.  We bought Bev a new set of golf clubs last night and she used them today, will take some getting used to but she needed them and deserved them!
     Port Saint Lucie is a very nice place, with inland waters and the Atlantic very near we have seen some beautiful homes and some beautiful beaches, the humidity is the down side to visiting this time of the year.  This being the off season for Florida has been good and bad in many ways, the golf courses are pretty much wide open, the RV parks need no reservations, the roads are not congested very much.........but the humidity and heat make the air heavy and it's not very good on the joints and the arthritis in those joints!
     We have more plans this week and weekend with Mike and Patty Thornton and look forward to this time with them, as when leaving Tampa and family there it will be hard to say good-bye to Mike and Patty also, not sure when we'll get back here.  Mike and Patty are not "social media" types and
e-mail is hit and miss but I will try get Mike to keep in touch a bit more than in the past so we can continue to keep on top of each others lives.
     I miss these friends and have since moving to Arizona, that was my choice, and now I relish these times together.  I still miss and always will miss Dave and our talks, I miss when Dave and Mr. K would call, those conversations were the best!
     We pretty much have decided to head to the Keys after leaving here, all the way down to Key West, most folks tell us not to miss it as long as we/re this close........will let you know!


Friday, July 15, 2016

Appreciate all the hospitality

     It shouldn't but it always does amaze me the amount of hospitality shown Beverly and I when we visit friends and family all across these United States each year on these journey's we embark on.  For the most part friends and family have their schedules, their jobs in many cases, and prearranged plans, but somehow always find the time to accommodate us and our visits.  We so much enjoy catching up with old friends and family we don't get to see all year (or in some cases many, many years) and renewing these relationships.  We take what we can get and make the most of all the places and folks we visit along the way, while at the same time having our time together doing what we love to do..........see new places, golf different course across the country, and just plain enjoy each other as much as we can.  This past week in the Tampa, Homosassa Florida area we were able to reconnect with some cousins and one of our favorite aunts and meet some of their children which we haven't seen since they were very small and some cases not at all.  The week we spent in this area and on this stop in our journey flew by and as mentioned we greatly appreciated all the hospitality and time shown us!
     This next leg of the trip we look forward to visiting an old friend and his wife for a few days and playing some golf in the Port Saint Lucie area of Florida on the Atlantic side of the state.  At this time we're also thinking about throwing in the Florida Keys on this journey, this was not even thought about in our planning but now that we're so close we're giving it some thought and thinking why not.
     Even though this is the wrong time of the year to visit Florida for the most part, there are some advantages if you can bear the couple of hours of rain everyday and the humidity.  First and foremost for us would be he ease of securing great RV parks and spaces available in these resorts, their not ghost towns, but seem to always have space available where I'm sure that wouldn't be the case in the winter months!  Another big item would be the cost of staying at these places, summer rates just like the golf in Phoenix are much lower this time of year and so is the golf here. You couple that with gas prices all along the south being from $185 - $2.05 and that makes for happy campers!
     I won't miss driving in the Tampa area none too soon, what a mess and what a joke.  It seems there is not a straight street to and from anywhere and the streets change names up to three times in a matter of a few miles.........what's with that?  Even our GPS and the GPS in our phones got confused many times, no like in most cases I get familiar with an area rather quickly and I have a great sense of direction, but not in and around Tampa.
     We're now at 4100 miles traveled and haven't got to the point of turning and heading back towards Arizona........looks like over 8000 miles could be reached on this trip.  Most of our previous journeys have amassed right at or near the 6000 mile range, all records will be shattered this year of 2016 as it looks!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

$15/Hour.....for what?

     Just a quick rant on this subject if I may give an example of "what for"?  We were in a Steak n' Shake the other day here in Tampa (could have been anywhere USA) and had possibly the worst experience getting seated and our order taken.  Upon walking in we seen the sign please wait to be seated, so we did and we waited and we waited and now a couple of more folks were in line behind us.  As we waited we counted 12...yes 12 employees 4 on the grille area and 8 in the dinning area and of the 8 in the dinning there are 6 just standing behind a drink counter doing nothing!  Of the roughly 15 tables from 2 to 6 tops 8 sets were empty but dirty with the remains of previous customers.  We were looked at by all but those in the grille area more than a few times and not once did anyone even say "we'll be right with you" but would walk past looking busy and doing nothing!  I know it makes no difference but all but two of the employees of which we now have seen 3 more that came from an office area for a total of 15 employees were minorities except the two guys in shirt and ties.  Now we were determined to wait them out rather than leave, so after 5-10 minutes we were seated at the ONE table of the eight this young lad cleaned for us.  Looking over the menu for an eternity a young gal approaches and ask if we new what we wanted to drink to which we replied yes and we're also ready to order (to save another 5 minutes) so we did.  By the way the two couple behind us in line now totals 3 groups and still our table had been the only one cleared (and it was a 6 top for just the two of us).   I then notice the couple next to us still had menus in front of them!  We strike up a conversation an apologize for us having had our order taken before them, whom had been seated actually before we even entered the place!  They finally get noticed and are apologized to by another waitress who we find out in talking with her and this couple was 63 years old and disgusted with the entire crew working in this establishment.
     These are the folks demanding $15/hour for their wonderful service, these are the folks that will be out of a job if and when you see $15/hour, and these are the folks that will cause you and I to stop eating in these fast food places because we will not pay the prices needed by ownership to keep their doors open!  These have always been jobs for teens and young people entering the business world, the world of employment, not a job meant to raise a family of 6 or 8 on!  Get real, if you owned the business you two would have to (1) lay folks off (2) take away benefits (3) raise your prices and (4) eventually close your doors because of the outrages liberal ideas that they think will work.  By the way the two in shirts and ties, they too had bad attitudes and acted as if they had no control over these guidance, no acting like a boss, no demanding get to work or go home, just afraid to say shit to their employees!  You can imagine why.................


Friday, July 8, 2016

Family visits......too long in between!

     We visited an Aunt and a Cousin and some of their family last night and even though we figured it had been like 37 years since seeing cousin Dorothy and having seen Aunt Lorry only once in the last about 30 years it some how didn't seem that long once we started talking.  Regardless it was very nice to see them and we plan on staying in the Tampa area for a week and have many more plans with them.  One of the reasons it can and doesn't seem that long has been social media, no doubt about it whether you like it or not it helps in keeping us informed.  Even living thousands of miles from most of our families we now at least feel closer and know more about what's happening and the growth of those families through pictures and postings.  Sure, in between those families pictures, post, and informative announcements we have to put up with some opinions we might not agree with some political positions we don't agree with and some jokes and games we done't care for that pop up now and again.  Sure you can block without unfriending folks, but them you also miss so many wonderful family information and the growth of all those little ones you wish you could see more often.  I for one feel close to family so far from us through all their postings good or bad in my opinion, I still like to see and keep up with there goings on.  So to get back on subject, our first nights visit was very good, some seafood at Rick's on the River (good stuff) and nice quick evening tour of some of Tampa and ending with some ice cream at a favorite spot of Kevin's (our chauffeur for the evening and cousin Dorothy's son-in-law who we met for the first time and liked immediately) and a trip back to the motor home at 11:00 pm.  We look forward to a few more days of these visits and more catching up.........sure it will cost us a bit on our weight loss programs but's family!
     One last thing on family, don't wait so many years to visit you families, the years go by so fast and before you know it 30 plus years have gone by!  My opinion only now, but it seems the family unit continues to fall apart and is not as close knit as in years gone by.  That is why we feel so compelled to make our trips start with family reunion, and want to do our part to try and keep them going for all those that follow.  We are happy to have had a hand in getting the Anderson reunions rekindled 8 or 9 years ago and keep trying to keep the Ackelson reunion growing now and in the future, Beverly and I feel deeply about our families and keeping them close and would trade the first few weeks of each journey any other way!
     OK climbing down off the soap box, but looking forward to our next few days here in the Tampa area and getting reacquainted with our family here in Florida.  I still can't believe it's been so many years!


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Florida, another first for the coach (motor home)

     We have a map on the outside of the coach depicting the United States and we place a state sticker on the map of each state we've been with the motor home.  These few states in the lower Southeast U.S. and a handful in the upper New England states were all we had left before this trip, and that was one of the reasons for heading this direction this year.  We've so far filled in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and now Florida with only Georgia and South Carolina here in the Southeast and we're still heading that direction from here.  I checked while getting gas today and we've travel 3736 miles so far with at least that much more in the plans, this will be the longest and most miles traveled of all our journey's since starting this in 2008.
     It's been hot and humid but bearable for the most part, it takes some getting used to that's for sure.  We neither one can believe we used to live where the humidity was this miserable but like I said it just getting used to it again I guess.  You can bet on one thing, while stopped and camping both front and back A/C units are running non-stop, I pray they keep on without any problems.
     I wish I could take a truck load of all this "white sand" from the beaches and bring it back to The Friendly Village of Orangewood for the sand traps on our course!  They have way more than enough here along the Gulf Coast.  Besides soft white sand did you know that Florida has one helluva lot of tall pine trees for lumber?  When driving down Hwy 98 along the coast it's either white sand beaches or tall pines lining the highway, truck loads of striped pine tress rolling down the highway left and right.........never new that.
     We spent last night in Panama City, yes the scene of all the crime, rapes and drunkenness of last Spring Break.  I attended Spring Break here back in the years '66 and '67 and it was one heck of a lot of fun,,,,,,,,,girls, drinks, dancing, but I guess things got out of hand.  Nice city and hope they get it straight for next Spring.  Tonight it's Spring Hill and tomorrow we'll make Tampa and spend a week there with family from Iowa.  My aunt and three cousins and their families live here in the Tampa area and it's been literally years since we've seen each other, I hate to think of how long it's been just know it's been too long!
     My folks for a few years wintered in this area of Spring Hill, Connors camp on Hunter's lake along with uncles and aunts and pretty much the entire Anderson clan at one time or another.  Unfortunately we lived in Arizona at the time of their lives they wintered in Florida and we never got to see the place or make the trip there.  Now I'm here like 25 years later and trying to see where they stayed, the place all of my family members loved so dearly and wintered away from Iowa, I believe I found new home and an upscale area all around the Connors camp yet.  I know what once was a two lane Hwy 19/98 is now 6 lanes and Spring Hill has really grown!
     I miss the kids, I miss the grand kids, not as much "face time" on the iPad's this trip and I miss that, only talked to Jack once in the last almost six weeks and Dalila about 3 or 4 way to remedy that would to hit that Mega Ball Jackpot, I heard today it will be $508 Million (over 1/2 Billion dollars) then they could retire and make the trip with us.  Hell that's way too much money, most likely if I were to win everyone reading this wouldn't have to worry again!  Take that to the bank!
     This has been the most relaxing trip time wise ever since arriving in Iowa back on the 31st of May.  No time table, no place to be on a certain day, like it will be two days driving from Panama City to Tampa which is only 375 miles.  We stopped tonight in Spring Hill and have less than an hour drive to Tampa in morning, and have a reservation for 4 pm..........I think we can sleep in tomorrow a little bit.
     There was something I was going to share but can't for the life of me remember what it was...maybe next time even if it will be out of sequence!  



Monday, July 4, 2016

Will it be another 45 to 50 years?

     Tomorrow we hook up the Grand Cherokee to the motor home and head Eastward once more towards the next destination, Florida.  Not in any hurry but figure to get to the Tampa area in about a week from tomorrow give or take a day or so...............
     As I mentioned it had been 50 years since I was station here in Biloxi at Keesler AFB and 45 years since we honeymooned on the Gulf Coast from here to New Orleans.  We had fun then and once again a good time on this trip to the area, it may not be that long next time.  I think for both of us it's been the "southern hospitality" that we've enjoyed so much, whether it be dinning, golfing, shopping, getting haircuts and manicures you name it the folks have been so pleasant to talk to and deal with,  The Ya all come back now and the ya all this and that never got old and started to catch on a bit,  we just plain had a most pleasant week or so here on the Gulf Coast!
     The humidity was very much unbearable when we first arrived, but I must say as the week went on I for one became a bit acclimated to it a little.  The strong breeze of the Gulf definitely helped and don't get me wrong it was tough but began to be tolerated to the point of sitting out watch fireworks and not being bothered at all in the 87* temps.
     I'll most likely be checking in along the coast as we venture towards Tampa...........see ya all then!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

New Orleans 2016

     As most will probably know from FB or others we drove over to New Orleans for a quick 1 1/2 day 1 night stay at Harrah's down town New Orleans.  A couple of reasons, number on to try and reminisce of days gone by when we honeymooned there back in 1972.  After some calculation we found out it was exactly 44 years, 4 months and 4 days since we were there on our honeymoon!  I made the reservations about 3 or 4 days in advance and since found out how lucky we were to even get a room let alone a room comp'd (all free, with meals and everything) after finding out what was happening there this weekend.  The 2016 Essence Festival took place this weekend....not sure what it is this will explain:   "The Essence Music Festival, known as "the party with a purpose", is an annual music festival which started in 1994 as a one-time event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Essence, a magazine aimed primarily towards African-American women. It is the largest event celebrating African-American culture and music in the United States.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Locally referred to as the Essence Fest, it has been held in New Orleans, Louisiana every year since 1994 except for 2006, when it was held in Houston, Texas due to Hurricane Katrina. It features artists simultaneously performing on a main stage as well as four standing-room only super-lounge stages."
      As one might imagine the entire down town and all it's high rise hotels were packed and jammed with African American celebrities and folks wanting to see these numerous events, we were definitely in the minority everywhere we went.  It was hot and humid and we walked quite a bit and it took it's toll on us both, there is so much to see here and we just didn't alot enough time to do it justice.  Beverly says we will be back in maybe February for the actual anniversary of our marriage when it will be much cooler.  We tried to get an extra night at the hotel but to no avail, all rooms were taken for the entire weekend,
     Upon return to our camp we decided to get a couple of things taken care of before the remainder of the weekend when all things will be closing for the 4th.  I needed a haircut and Bev wanted a mani/petti so we went about looking for places to take care of these things.  Bev had her toes done at this one place but decided to get out and find another for the manicure..........the place was the pits I guess, and she ends up finding a suitable place.  I look up barber shops on GPS and find 3 within a mile or so of Bev's manicure so head off to check them out.  Each web site showed a Black man's haircut so I just assumed that's what I'd be finding.  First place was closed, second place seen me pull up and get out and ran to the back room and turned out the lights....door was locked!  Third place was KC's barber shop of Gulfport, hard to find, a little house like setting back from a road mixed with warehouses and small homes.  Sign says open so I pull in the yard and see a couple of other cars so I walk in and find two chairs resembling barber chairs but on a small scale.  A young gentlemen cutting a lads hair in one of those tall afro type styles but very close down to the ears all around.  The other barber was a older gentlemen about my age cutting on a guy pretty much with no hair left on his head when he finished.  The barber was wearing a old fishing or "uncle Remus" type hat, white mustache and slow movements.  I walked in and said "I'm from out of town and have been looking for a barber shop, can I get a haircut here?"  The old boy said "is your money green" to which I said sure is, how long a wait (there was two gals, another kid and a teenager sitting in there already) he said 10 to 15 minutes to which I said I'll wait.  Three minutes later I was in the chair and we were talking as if we new each other for years...................From storms of the past to living in the area, to visiting New Orleans, to grits...waffle houses and BBQ joints!  NO comb, NO scissors, just an electric clipper and one handed moves, in the end a pretty good haircut and learned of a place called "Murky Waters BBQ" which he recommended as one of if not the best BBQ in the area!  After my haircut I picked Bev up from the manicure and we gave Murky Waters BBQ a try,  Some of the best we've ever had, they guys there had been on the Food Network we found out and won a BBQ competition..............very good!  The barber shop was a dump, the guys were very nice though and I'd go back if ever in the area needing a haircut, we had some laughs and picked up some good information on things coming up too.  Like they say, you can't judge a book by it's cover or a man by his differences from yours!
     We did see Emeril's place but was too early to dine, revisited Pat O'Brien's for the famous drinks served there and some good dueling piano playing.  New Orleans needs a few days not a day and a night, we shall return.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wednesday 6/30

     Well that's one month (and a few days) gone and heading into month two of this journey to the southeast and beyond.  We played golf again today and went for 18 holes for a change, since the last few rounds we only played 9 holes.  Either we're adjusting a bit to the humidity or something, but we survived this morning in half way decent order.  Sure soaking wet with perspiration at the end but to me it felt good....out with the old you know!  We got a couple of discounted coupons from one of the local casino's and a normal $60 round only cost $39 including cart and all...........sweet and on a very nice country club course.  Windance Country Club in north Gulfport, MS was the scene of the fun and we enjoyed the wide fairways but Bev had to reload after nine holes if you know what I mean!
     Tomorrow morning we head back west from Biloxi to New Orleans for a couple of days.  We will be leaving the motor home here at the RV Park and driving the car over.  I called ahead to Harrah's New Orleans and booked a room for Friday night, they were happy to comp us a room....Diamond member perks are nice while on the road.  It's only like a 90 minute drive so we'll leave fairly early so we can spend most of the day Friday and all day Saturday checking out the sights and revisiting some of the sights we can find from 44 years ago.  After all the devastation of the past and since we honeymooned there I'm sure it will be hard to relive some things, but I'm sure Bourbon street will be basically the same.  We'll be looking for one of those tour buses or trolleys or horse and buggy rides to maybe get a narrated trip around the city.  So far the years have really changed Biloxi and the Gulfport area oh so much, it's hard trying to visit old stomping grounds.  The coast line is the same and never seems to change but things across the road are the things needing to be rebuilt after hurricanes and storms, Gods things always go back to normal or work things out.
     I'll be updating again after New Orleans, we'll be back here for the 4th of July celebrations here in the Biloxi area on Sunday and Monday.  They say the weather is supposed to improve which should mean less rain and more sunshine which will equal some beach time for Beverly finally!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

44 and 50 years later

.    Biloxi, Mississippi and Keesler AFB here in Biloxi were stops on our life's journeys in years past.  I was stationed here in 1966/67 for close to a year and a half and 6 years later Beverly and I honeymooned in this same area, from New Orleans to Biloxi to Mobile, Al. in 1972.  We're thinking about trying to capture a few pictures of us in some of the same locations that I have pictures from 1972.  So far after taking a quick ride last evening it may be tough locating some of the same locations, there have been a lot of changes over that many years......besides the hurricans that have taken tolls in these areas.  There still is a lot to see and do in the area, there just might not be as much "beach time" due to the lack of sun and that will not make Beverly happy.  Bev can sit on the beach reading a book and enjoying the veiw for hours, as for's a get your toes wet in the ocean/gulf, dry off and to try your damndest to get all the sand off before getting in the car!!  That's the chocolate and vanilla effect.
     This morning it shopping time, we have a list of a number of items we need for around the home and to replenish the fridge a bit.  Sounds like a Wal-Mart day to fill everything in one stop.....or similar store of the area.
     Motor home has been performing very well, and we can't complain too much about gas prices.  When you get on average 7 mpg you really appreciate these prices we've been seeing as we go south, last couple of fill ups have been $1.84/gal.....$1.90/gal......and $1.95/gal......we like it.
     Rain has let up now (8:05am) and Bev will be wrapping up some work so we can get out and about around 10:00am, we'll give a shot at trying to somewhat acclumate ourselves with the area a bit more once again.  Adventures abound and we'll report you can be sure!  Just looked at the calendar, hard to believe we've been on the road a month and two days so far, the time has just flew by.  This just might be a 4 month trip for sure or at least!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

So long Branson, hello Mississippi...............

     After leaving Branson Saturday the 6/25/2016 we end up in Tunica, Mississippi.  In one day we went from Missouri, into Arkansas then briefly in and out of Tennessee while ending up in Mississippi.  How can that be................well that's the way of the roads we took.  Our reservations on the gulf coast are for Tuesday so we're spending our second night here and heading to the coast in the morning.  Even at that we may see about checking a day early there since we're not that many hours from Biloxi/Gulfport, Mississippi.  Tunica is like a little Casino oasis in the middle of Mississippi, and it hasn't been very friendly either, camped outside a few casinos and sitting in the coach watching TV, these machines are a bit tight to say the least.
     We did manage to squeeze in 9 holes of golf between, shows, rain and darkness on Friday evening.  Thousand Hills golf club, Branson, Mo.  The best par 64 course in the world is how it's billed and that is an understatement, one very difficult course but oh so beautiful.  Best fairways I've played on in quite some time and very nice greens, but way too many side-hill, up hill, down hill lies for this but what a challenge!  Regardless we seem to enjoy the punishment in hands out, and with the humidity we both struggle a bit but still have a good time for the most part and keep coming back for more!
     We're both looking forward to revisiting some of the places we went on our honeymoon back in 1972, not sure how much things have changed but we think back to some of the pictures and would like to retake a few from the same locations.  You know, like here we are in 1972 and here we are now in 2016, I believe there will be some marked changes in us if not the picture locations!
     In this day of "Small houses" or Tiny houses" Beverly has lately been referring to our motor home as our "little house" and how much we really love this traveling in our little house!  Hell we have roughly 450 sq. ft. of living quarters, including a kitchen, living room, bedroom, bath w/shower and a corner office for Beverly to work in not to mention a hutch and pantry with plenty of storage inside.  The basement compartments are numerous and roomy, plenty of storage for sure.
     The last fill up with gas was 1.99/gallon and that is making things sweet..........average for the trip so far would be something like 2.12/gallon since leaving home.  That is a very good thing and we hope it continues throughout the south!
     In closing Branson was worth the visit, you can either spend a lot more time there or bypass it in the future................we may vote for bypass, very commercialized to say the least but some great shows.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Branson, Missouri

     Let me start by saying after all these years I really never remembered or realized Missouri (at least from the Quads down towards Branson) was such a state full of "rolling hills" and not just small bumps!  It was a literally a up and down ride all the way to Branson, not like Pikes Peak or the Rockies but some very long up and down sure kept me on my toes!
     Branson literally has 96 (that I counted) theaters/attractions to visit from music to comedy, singing and dancing and all with "Faith" and "Patriotism" in most underlying themes.  We plan on only 4 shows in our three days here, and it is and was a very hard decision to make as to which ones.  Just might have to return one day.
     We weren't in town 6 hours before we were set up on our camp site and getting ready for the first show, the Showboat Branson dinner cruise on Table Rock Lake.  The upgraded tickets were well worth the few extra bucks, from front row mezzanine seating to a top shelf dinner.  It stead of the mundane run of the mill chicken dinners with iceberg salads and a piece of cake, we had either Prime Rib, Trout, Mahi Mahi and grilled Pork chops.  Very much impressed with the entire evening and with my beautiful best gal.  If you're ever visiting Branson we both recommend this cruise and the upgraded seats and meal.
     Today it's the Haygoods family (72 sellouts in a row) and #1 Hit's of the 60's and 50's at the Americana Theater.  Tomorrow it will be the Comedy Jamboree and New Jersey Nights (Four Seasons Show).  A number of great looking golf courses in the area, but I don't think we'll have time to fit one of them in, only because we have made advance reservations on the Gulf coast beach at Biloxi, Mississippi.  With the 4th being during that week we felt we would need the reservations to get a spot anywhere near the beach!  I played golf on the USAF base (Keesler AFB) in Biloxi back in 1966/67..........wonder if they'll let me on the give it another go 50 years later?
     Looks like maybe rain late today and the umbrella out just in case!  

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday 6/20 Columbia, Missouri

     Got out of Davenport and Thompson's Trailer and RV service center by 10:15 am this morning.  Had an appointment at Thompson's for 8:15 to have some wiring checked out between coach and tow vehicle.  There was a short and some corrosion in both the 7-way and the 4-way connections, an hour and a half later we hooking the car up and getting ready to head south on Hwy 61.  Highway 61 is what we took last year up to Superior, Wisconsin and now this year heading south on the same road departing Davenport.  Hwy 61 to Hwy 24 to Hwy 63 and here we are for the night in Columbia, Missouri at the Cottonwood RV Park.  Shouldn't be more than about 3 hours into Branson, Missouri tomorrow, no place picked out to stay yet just hoping for a good spot in a clean RV park.
     These secondary and state highways are in some ways nice and in others not.  Stop and go in all the small towns along the way, but usually some good sights in each place.........real Americana if you know what I mean.  Then again the rest stops and almost non-existent for the most part and usually difficult in and out for a rig like ours.  Gas dipped to $2.01 around Monroe, Missouri but back up to $2.15 here in Columbia, we'll see what going further south does tomorrow.  To this point we've traveled 1946 miles since leaving Phoenix (holy cow batman...I was born in 1946) and we're only getting started, Bev keeps adding places to stop.
     Just happen to think, I feel like Paul Revere or Ben Franklin and the like sitting here drinking from my new copper mug, Ice water, coffee and oh yes Moscow Mules are all good in the copper!
     Started raining and storming shortly after we got set up here at about 7 pm and the storming has subsided but the rain continues, ought to be some good sleeping tonight with the pitter patter of rain drops hitting the roof.  We could us a few good night sleeps after 3 jam packed weeks in Iowa and all the visiting and activities we took part in, it's always great fun filling those 3 weeks with new memories and thoughts of those of times gone by!  We sincerely thank all our friends and family for the hospitality we're always shown.
     Our last visit with Mom was a good one, she did at first remember both of us and the again on and off while we were visiting, we made that our last visit wanting to remember her remembering us as best she could.  It's very emotional seeing your Mother like that and just talking with my sister Nancy about her causes us both to feel sad, it's just so hard.
     TV is back on the storm and rain must be letting up a bit, got an old western to watch, my favorite thing to do don't ya know!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday a.m. 6/19 Happy Fathers Day

     Happy Fathers Day to me (and all the fathers out there), one of the downer's to being on the road and away from my family on this day.  I miss my kids today and really miss my grand kids today!  Maybe I'll get a surprise face time call or phone call later (we are two hours ahead here in Davenport and it's now only 7:00 am.
     After a week full of golf, yes we played 3 time this past week and are very thankful the weather has cooperated so well this year, now we gear up for the next venture down the road tomorrow morning.  We will be heading toward Branson, Mo. in the morning and even though it's only like 10 hours south it will probably be two days travel for us.
     The weight loss plans we have been on since the end of February have taken a bit of a hit these past 3 weeks in Iowa, but in a way we kind of expected that.  Now on the rest of our journey we can do more of our eating in the coach and not restaurants with family and friends.  Bev has been afraid to step on the scale, but I have and this 3 weeks cost me 7 pounds of the 31 I had lost before leaving Phoenix.  Better meals and maybe a little more golf and walking and we will get back on track for our goals!
     After a Mexican feast last night we will be going to a BBQ at niece and nephew John and Katheryn's place just like last year, only like I said the kids won't be with us this time.  It still will be nice to be with family today and we thank them for the hospitality and thoughtfulness.  I would like to see my Mom once more before we leave, not sure if that will happen though.  Our second visit with Mom at the Lutheran Home was a bit more enjoyable, she actually for the most part remembered who we were and that was good.  It's emotional seeing her like that, but this place is so nice and they really all love her there and take great care of her..........she seems really happy!  Until you are in this situation of your Mother not knowing who you are you can't imagine how sad it make you.  It has to be the worst, but she continues to smile and we wonder what she is really thinking inside.  Not sure she new who we were when we left the other day, but upon greeting her she said "Michael" and that was so nice the hear!!!
     Well I need to start putting the outside things away, like chairs and grille and get ready to dump sewer etc. so we can be all set to head out in the morning.  I make it sound like a chore, and it is, but really just a routine we have gotten into and it's not all that bad.  It the bending down that gets me the worst but that comes with age I  guess.  I've stocked up on Boetje's (pronounced Boat-Chee) stone ground mustard made right here in the Quad Cities and some Jim's Rib Haven BBQ sauce.  The Boetje's is a Five time worldwide award winning mustard!!!
     Next blog will most likely come from Missouri and the Branson area.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday 6/16/2016....relaxing day scheduled

     Today Bev will start with a little work, it usually has to wait a bit due to the time change being two hours difference from here in Iowa.  We got caught up on laundry yesterday, hair care is on today's schedule and then my sister Nancy has plans for us to accompany them to the "grand opening" of the new Rhythm City Casino just off of I-80 and I-74 junction.  The old river boat casino will now be dry docked north of Davenport rather than on the Mississippi.  Hope we have a bit of luck tonight while gaming at this new landmark in the Quad Cities!
I will be doing some window washing this morning and general cleaning around the motor home today..........always a little house keeping even on the road!

Journey of 2016 begins......

     Let me begin by saying we left Phoenix on May 27th this year, a few days earlier than normal and now it's the 14th of June so I have some catching up to do.  I decided today to do the blog again this year, not that it's being brought back due to popular demand but because I enjoy it.  Let's do some quick catching up, we arrive once again at Adventureland park, Altoona, Iowa just outside of Des Moines.  We have family in the Des Moines area in the way of Bev's brother and his family, nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews who we love visiting.  Once again it was a great week of visiting the Ackelson, Carico and Ahrendsen families.  Bev took in the famous "Farmers Market" downtown Des Moines, we both played a little golf too!  Bev and I played Copper Creek and then I played Bright-Grand View with Bob and Mason, missed playing with Steve this year which is always a pleasure and something I look forward to.  We did get two VIP passes to the Principle Senior golf tournament while we were in town, yep... from Steve and as good as a round of golf.  Box seats on the 18th green with all the food and drink you wanted, too bad Bev and I have been on weight loss plans we could have really chowed down!  It was a great day of watching some of the pros we are more familiar with, including John Daley and his road show!  A very enjoyable day and we thank Steve for being so thoughtful.
     The Des Moines area was once again a week full of fun and family, from soccer games to birthday parties, to golf, horse racing and dinners and morning coffee.  Despite everyone still working when we visit we seem to always cram in as much time together as humanly possible.  We sure appreciate all of them taking the time to help entertain us visitors from the far West while in their neck of the woods.
     We arrived in Davenport on the 6th of May and parked the motor home at West Lake park once again this year.  We do enjoy parking at West Lake for a number of reasons, close to friends and family, close to just about everything but of course there isn't anything in the Quad Cities too far from wherever you are.  We attend both the Anderson and the Ackelson reunion the second weekend of June each since getting the motor home.  The Anderson reunion has only been revived since I believe 2008 when I asked my sister Nancy to try and get something going that first year we drove the motor home back to our roots.  It's been well attended ever since and it's always good to see family if for only once a year.
     After our 10th day here in Davenport Bev and I have played 3 rounds of golf (9 holes each) and I must say in this humidity it feels like 18 holes when we finish.  We will play our last round on Friday with brother Russ at Duck Creek golf course, a shorter, easier course for Bev's game and she has enjoyed playing it for the most part.  The rest of the week here looks good weather wise, sunny and mid 80's and we can take that.  We did have our rain days this year as always, but it's only been for 3 days so far.  It's about this time each year after about 3 weeks in Iowa we're ready to continue on our journey which will be a new direction for a change.
     Weather, storms and heat may change the plans, but for now it's the journey heading to Branson, MO. onto the gulf coast and Biloxi, New Orleans and then east towards Florida then turning north into the Carolina's, Virginia back towards the west and Tennessee and who knows from there on........I will try and keep up this year and make this blog interesting at the same time letting the readers know where we are have been and what we're up to.  Hope you enjoy.