Monday, September 12, 2016

Can Fall be upon us already?

     Here I sit in North Platte, Nebraska at 7:15 am and it's just now starting to get a bit light outside!  The cool breeze from last night with the windows open has turned into a bit of a chill as I sit here in this quiet solitude.  I just nuked a cup of two day old coffee and it taste wonderful, just like I've done so many times in the morning.  I first noticed it yesterday when I woke up to darkness in Council Bluffs, Iowa, it must be nearing Fall and winter darkness in the early mornings.  This has been one of our longest journeys (do you mind that I call these journeys?  Being retired I find it hard to say vacations because those always have to end and these do not, especially when I hear during the Cardinal game that it was 103 in Phoenix at game time.)  we entered Iowa with the corn green and about knee high already and left with it mostly brown and almost ready to pick!  Yes, the crackling of corn stalks in the breeze, the stiff dryness of the stalks tell you it's almost Pheasant season and Fall is upon us.
     Bev and I both say to ourselves numerous times "I don't want to go home yet" but then we think of the kids and grand kids and can't wait to get back to see them once more.  With the passing of Mom and the kids coming to Iowa for the funeral we got a taste, but then were ready to move on once more to being alone together.  I'm not sure two people can get much closer together than we have and do on these journeys, we love being together now more than ever in seems.................Beverly is truly my best friend!
     From here it's either a few days in Colorado somewhere or Moab, Utah, regardless whether we do either one or just head home it has been a wonderful 4 months of travel and adventure on this 2016 trek.  We're trying to get home by Matt's birthday on the 19th otherwise who knows what or where we would go from here.  Stay tuned to find out, all I know now is that I just might turn the heater on to take the chill off................I woke up to balmy 59* this morning and this old Arizona blood is thin and feeling a bit cold.

P.S. The Arizona Cardinals secondary better step it up or this might be a long season!  

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