Sunday, July 10, 2016

$15/Hour.....for what?

     Just a quick rant on this subject if I may give an example of "what for"?  We were in a Steak n' Shake the other day here in Tampa (could have been anywhere USA) and had possibly the worst experience getting seated and our order taken.  Upon walking in we seen the sign please wait to be seated, so we did and we waited and we waited and now a couple of more folks were in line behind us.  As we waited we counted 12...yes 12 employees 4 on the grille area and 8 in the dinning area and of the 8 in the dinning there are 6 just standing behind a drink counter doing nothing!  Of the roughly 15 tables from 2 to 6 tops 8 sets were empty but dirty with the remains of previous customers.  We were looked at by all but those in the grille area more than a few times and not once did anyone even say "we'll be right with you" but would walk past looking busy and doing nothing!  I know it makes no difference but all but two of the employees of which we now have seen 3 more that came from an office area for a total of 15 employees were minorities except the two guys in shirt and ties.  Now we were determined to wait them out rather than leave, so after 5-10 minutes we were seated at the ONE table of the eight this young lad cleaned for us.  Looking over the menu for an eternity a young gal approaches and ask if we new what we wanted to drink to which we replied yes and we're also ready to order (to save another 5 minutes) so we did.  By the way the two couple behind us in line now totals 3 groups and still our table had been the only one cleared (and it was a 6 top for just the two of us).   I then notice the couple next to us still had menus in front of them!  We strike up a conversation an apologize for us having had our order taken before them, whom had been seated actually before we even entered the place!  They finally get noticed and are apologized to by another waitress who we find out in talking with her and this couple was 63 years old and disgusted with the entire crew working in this establishment.
     These are the folks demanding $15/hour for their wonderful service, these are the folks that will be out of a job if and when you see $15/hour, and these are the folks that will cause you and I to stop eating in these fast food places because we will not pay the prices needed by ownership to keep their doors open!  These have always been jobs for teens and young people entering the business world, the world of employment, not a job meant to raise a family of 6 or 8 on!  Get real, if you owned the business you two would have to (1) lay folks off (2) take away benefits (3) raise your prices and (4) eventually close your doors because of the outrages liberal ideas that they think will work.  By the way the two in shirts and ties, they too had bad attitudes and acted as if they had no control over these guidance, no acting like a boss, no demanding get to work or go home, just afraid to say shit to their employees!  You can imagine why.................


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