Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Florida, another first for the coach (motor home)

     We have a map on the outside of the coach depicting the United States and we place a state sticker on the map of each state we've been with the motor home.  These few states in the lower Southeast U.S. and a handful in the upper New England states were all we had left before this trip, and that was one of the reasons for heading this direction this year.  We've so far filled in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and now Florida with only Georgia and South Carolina here in the Southeast and we're still heading that direction from here.  I checked while getting gas today and we've travel 3736 miles so far with at least that much more in the plans, this will be the longest and most miles traveled of all our journey's since starting this in 2008.
     It's been hot and humid but bearable for the most part, it takes some getting used to that's for sure.  We neither one can believe we used to live where the humidity was this miserable but like I said it just getting used to it again I guess.  You can bet on one thing, while stopped and camping both front and back A/C units are running non-stop, I pray they keep on without any problems.
     I wish I could take a truck load of all this "white sand" from the beaches and bring it back to The Friendly Village of Orangewood for the sand traps on our course!  They have way more than enough here along the Gulf Coast.  Besides soft white sand did you know that Florida has one helluva lot of tall pine trees for lumber?  When driving down Hwy 98 along the coast it's either white sand beaches or tall pines lining the highway, truck loads of striped pine tress rolling down the highway left and right.........never new that.
     We spent last night in Panama City, yes the scene of all the crime, rapes and drunkenness of last Spring Break.  I attended Spring Break here back in the years '66 and '67 and it was one heck of a lot of fun,,,,,,,,,girls, drinks, dancing, but I guess things got out of hand.  Nice city and hope they get it straight for next Spring.  Tonight it's Spring Hill and tomorrow we'll make Tampa and spend a week there with family from Iowa.  My aunt and three cousins and their families live here in the Tampa area and it's been literally years since we've seen each other, I hate to think of how long it's been just know it's been too long!
     My folks for a few years wintered in this area of Spring Hill, Connors camp on Hunter's lake along with uncles and aunts and pretty much the entire Anderson clan at one time or another.  Unfortunately we lived in Arizona at the time of their lives they wintered in Florida and we never got to see the place or make the trip there.  Now I'm here like 25 years later and trying to see where they stayed, the place all of my family members loved so dearly and wintered away from Iowa, I believe I found new home and an upscale area all around the Connors camp yet.  I know what once was a two lane Hwy 19/98 is now 6 lanes and Spring Hill has really grown!
     I miss the kids, I miss the grand kids, not as much "face time" on the iPad's this trip and I miss that, only talked to Jack once in the last almost six weeks and Dalila about 3 or 4 way to remedy that would to hit that Mega Ball Jackpot, I heard today it will be $508 Million (over 1/2 Billion dollars) then they could retire and make the trip with us.  Hell that's way too much money, most likely if I were to win everyone reading this wouldn't have to worry again!  Take that to the bank!
     This has been the most relaxing trip time wise ever since arriving in Iowa back on the 31st of May.  No time table, no place to be on a certain day, like it will be two days driving from Panama City to Tampa which is only 375 miles.  We stopped tonight in Spring Hill and have less than an hour drive to Tampa in morning, and have a reservation for 4 pm..........I think we can sleep in tomorrow a little bit.
     There was something I was going to share but can't for the life of me remember what it was...maybe next time even if it will be out of sequence!  



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