Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Grieving process

I had occasion this week to think about the grieving after the death of a loved one, mainly the length of the grieving process and how generations seem to handle it. I'm sure it varies by a number of things like the individual, him or herself, the relationship of the person we're grieving, our age group and many other things I'm sure.

I think the grieving of a spouse would last much longer for the older generation, not only the loss of a husband or wife but the loss of a best friend, travel companion, the sudden absence of a shoulder to lean on not to mention a long time lover and confidant. The younger generation would miss all of the above also and that's no doubt, but I think they could and would move on in life much faster. That doesn't mean the inward grieving would end but there would be many reasons to get on with your life in their case.

Then adversely the loss of a parent seems to me would have a grieving period that last a bit longer for the younger generation than that of the older generation. The death of a parent of those older is a tremendous lose but one we seem to get over and move on much sooner as we grow older. When your younger and lose a parent it's devastating, it's to soon because there were so many things to do and things to say that we never took care of. When we're younger we don't take the time to really talk with our parents and then when a life ends there are oh so many things we left undone and unsaid and it can eat at a person.

The lose of a loved one whether if be a parent, sibling, spouse, close friend or relative is painful to say the least and it's something we must deal with and move on with our lives. We all miss that person very much and think about them often, but death is a part of life and we can also rejoice in the fact that our loved ones moved on to a better place. Yes, moved onto a place were there is no more pain, sorrow or suffering, a place of love and joy and untold beauty with our heavenly Father.

I never stop thinking about my father from time to time and wishing he were still here, I too left many things undone and unsaid, but I believe he knows all that now and is happy to see I've continued on with my life..............we all need to continue to love but also live our lives to the fullest in the Lord. A passage from the Bible I heard many years ago is still now and always will be my favorite Bible passage, let me share it with you.

Psalms 30, verse 5 ................ "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

We never forget our loved ones and will always love and cherish them but remember after the sorrow comes joy and renewed life.

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