Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Face Book

I was just chatting with someone on face book, someone I new growing up, our parents new each other, our Dad's worked together and it's someone I haven't seen or talked to in years. Since my kids introduced me to face book it's been an adventure to say the least, but as it turns out a very pleasant adventure. I know folks in my age group that think it's dumb, think it's something that's going to eat their computers one day, or steal all their stuff and see into their lives. I don't know, maybe those things could happen, maybe it's a way for strangers to acquire information, but I don't think so if you watch who you allow as your friends. There are safe guards and different things you can block so that just those you want to share things with will be able to share information etc. with you.

Since I live 1600 miles across the country from most of my family and a lot of good friends this has been a most wonderful way to keep in touch and up to date on the happening with these folks back home so to speak. Not just those across the country, but those right here in Arizona where I live now, even if you see these folks much more often it's still good to touch base every few days or whenever you'd like to.

Some of you may not feel the need to visit with cousins, nieces, nephews or just friends old and new anymore often than you do, but I so enjoy the closeness that face book allows me and family and friends to share. Sure there are some weird games available to play daily and yes some are very addicting let me tell you but those too believe it or not bring friends and families closer together and even new friends and friendships are made via these venues.

Let me share this with you, face book lets you put things in your profile like for example your big deal right, but everyone love to get best wishes and acknowledgments on their birthdays, other special occasions like graduations or just finishing a good book or having your son or grandson finally potty trained. I've wished a few friends a couple of nieces my sister and the list can go on and on, but the bottom line is if it were not for face book those moments and well wishes might now have happen at all and most likely wouldn't have in most cases. For me face book brings be closer to distant family and friends and to those right here around me on a daily basis, I like it and use it and can't wait to wish my cousin Happy Birthday on Friday!

If you don't face book because of fear of being ripped off or stuff stolen, get over it and give it a honest try, no one or two days but a few months and get yourself some friends and friends of friends and so on! Don't go on being an old fuddy duddy and live in fear of the Internet spook, you only go around once in this life and we need to have friends and family close! One last thing, pictures, you can share pictures of yourself, grand kids as they grow up and different outing those miles away might have missed but can share through pictures. I mentioned in the beginning chatting with an old friend, come to find out he now lives in San Antonio, I shared an old picture of his Dad and my Dad at a party where they worked. I shared the names of others in the picture and for that moment it brought us closer together as if the 40 or 45 years we haven't seen each other where a mere handful of years. I will look him up next time we're near San Antonio in our travels and maintain communications via face book until that time, and we'll continue to share a picture now and then which I'm sure will bring smiles to each of us on those occasions.

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