Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My brother in law has been participating in RAGBRAI for I believe each year of it's existence which will be 38 years with this years running. RAGBRAI for those that might not know and that most likely includes most of you........stands for: Registers Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa, the Register being the Des Moines news paper.

Talking with him and his daughter last time back in Iowa we threw out on the table the idea of using my (our) motor home as a team support vehicle in a RAGBRAI some day.............well we committed for this year and we're counting down the days, 158 from this writing. Sounds like with even 158 days to go (like 5 1/2 months) the team, "Team Ackelson Family" is getting geared up and ready to go! We're to the point of even talking Bloody Mary's for breakfast and Brats for Dinner, now tell me that doesn't sound like a good weeks ride across the state of Iowa.

Now for those of us joining our friends and family in Iowa for this journey, we here in Arizona can't help but wonder if all this NOT so wonderful COLD and SNOW will be gone and done with by then...................we can only hope for some good old Iowa HUMIDITY now I guess.

You can check out RAGBRAI and learn more at ragbrai.com

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