Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I apologize Mr. Bunning!

It was just earlier last month, February 12th, that our president signed an executive order implementing what's call "Pay Go" or pay as you go to help reduce the deficit. Hey, it's March 2nd and that's only 18 days since his executive order that the President and his side of the isle are ridiculing Senator Bunning for holding up the passage of a bill that isn't paid for. You can't have it both ways Mr. President, you made the rule and now you don't want to keep it and it's less that 3 weeks since you signed the order! I for one think you and your colleagues on the left owe Senator Bunning a apology for trying to get something paid for according to your orders before making it law.

And since it's been a while since I did a Obama blog, let's just finish with these gems; Obama lay of the smokes your doctor says..........remember you raised the cigarette tax for all the poor smokers out there while you buff a way each day! Second, make your alcohol intake more to the moderate side of things.........hey lets start drinking in moderation I believe is what he was told. And third you tell the rest of us to conserve and keep our thermostats below 72 degrees while you can grow orchids in most rooms of the White house!

Mr. Obama, just don't read what they write for you on the teleprompters start practicing what you preach dude!

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