Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How he's keeping a promise.......

OK I just figured out how Mr. Obama's campaign promise of us average citizens being able to have health insurance just like the good old boys in Washington will work. To get that elite form of health insurance given to members of Congress and the Senate for life would be oh so cool and that's what we've been promised, now how's it going to happen? In order to get this type of insurance you first must be in the government so that plan is already starting to take shape. The government now runs our banks for the most part and our government is now getting into the auto business by owning the majority of GM stock and a share of Chrysler stock, so already if your in the banking industry or the auto industry your now being run by the government thus employed by the government so your eligible for that sweet government insurance at no cost to you! Now as the government continues to take over other businesses we'll all be under that blanket and therefore also be eligible for that sweet insurance. Now I get it, this is all going according to the Obama plan which is probably the Bilderberg group plan anyway!

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