Thursday, May 8, 2014

Budget sequestration in 2013

     According to the President, Harry Reid, Jay Carney and literally dozens of Democrats the budget sequester would cost not only 100's of thousands of jobs but according to Harry Reid it would and had already cost 1.6 million jobs.  If you'll remember this was automatic spending cuts proposed by the Republicans to try and reduce spending and at the same time reduce the size of government, which needs reducing big time!
    It was reported today that in not only didn't cost thousands of government jobs, reduction in military and their pay but in fact ONE yes 1 job was lost due to these automatic cuts in spending.  Folks in deed can cut spending, move jobs around and work with a reduced budget.  This report came from the GAO which is the Government Accountability Office so you can take this fact to the bank!
     This is just another in a long string of incompetence by this administration and scare tactics to sway voters, the transparent administration has had so very dark tinted windows for the past 6 years.  One lie after another and one cover up after another has been an embarrassment to their voters if the truth be known.
     I'm going to try and keep the blog going once more with not only political news and information and opinions but also with tid-bits of interesting observations by an old fart.  

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