Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nice night on the Lake

     Last night was the dinner cruise on Lake Tahoe and everything from the weather to full moon made it a very pleasant cruise.  The weather had been threatening all day, forecast of thunder storms and overcast skies were present all day.  I guess it was about 4:00 p.m. and we were getting ready for the evenings activities when the sun came out, and thanks to a little breeze the skies cleared and the haze was gone.  Thanks to the good Lord the evening was just perfect weather wise and the cruise was a most pleasant 3 hour tour. 
     The views were great, high Sierra's surrounding this massive Lake of crystal clear blue water with average depths of 1000' with a maximum depth of 1645' and the best part to me is the clarity, a 70' depth clarity which seems even deeper.  There were parts of the lake we went through were the water was a mere 4 - 5' deep in spots and so many designs on the bottom looking from the boat.  I've never seen such blue and I mean deep blue water in a lake before, it is truly a sight you'd all enjoy taking in.
     The dinner was very good, choices of steak, chicken, salmon or pasta with all the trimmings included.  The bar was a different story though, drinks ranging in price from $8 to $5.50 for draft beer.  Don't get me wrong, the money was well spent and I would do it again tomorrow but they do make it rather pricy for the average family.  The tickets were $75 each and then $8 to park in the lot leading to the dock, then 3 drinks at $8 and a couple of glasses of wine with the meal for $6 each and then gratuity for the waiters.......of all these the only one that bothered me was the parking, no need to rape us for parking in what looked like a public lot.  Oh well, like I said it was well worth it for us and we enjoyed it but I'm sure a lot of families had to pass because of the high cost and that's a shame.
     I mentioned the fact that there was a full moon, as a matter of fact we didn't realize that until sitting up on the deck after finishing our meal.  Picture this, a brisk, breezy evening on a beautiful lake with the moon shimmering atop the water leading away from the boat towards the shore.  Leading to a shore of only a few lights spotted from here to there and all passing by oh so slowly as we made our way along the shore.  The upper and second decks were scattered with folks, guys with there special ladies and the occasional family wrapping up the little ones.  Yes, a very nice evening to be snuggled up next to someone special and the full moon made it all that much better. 
     Today is a new day and we're not sure as of now what it will bring, but you can be sure it will be enjoyed.

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