Sunday, August 11, 2013

Last evening at KOA Sacramento

     Tomorrow a.m. we take the motor home into a truck garage to see what the hell the noise I've been hearing is.  Praying that it's no big deal but really don't know what to expect so not sure if we'll be pulling out tomorrow or stick around for a time to get whatever fixed.  We are awaiting tomorrow a.m. with mixed emotions right now.
     Had our last (unless we're here for a few more days) evening with all the Paper's with dinner at Rich and Lynn's with Don and Sharon and us.  It's been fun catching up and we vow not to wait so long to return.
     Short but sweet tonight, have to be at the garage at 7:00 a.m. and it's 35 minutes down the road so leaving at 6:00 to be sure not to be know me, early better than late!  Catch up when I have more news!

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