I too as a friend of mind in Rock Island did, got up this morning and as usual turned on the local news to see what has happened overnight and what new turmoil has erupted in this crazy world. I expected to see what was next on Gadhafi's schedule, will he leave Libya or will he kill everyone except his corrupt family until he and his are the last ones left? Or maybe I could find out about what has happened with all the devastation in Christchurch, New Zealand, hundreds dead and missing, aftershocks, it's so hard to fathom what they are going through.
I was also curious about where the market was heading after yesterdays down turn and how the price of oil is affecting the world markets.
Lastly I was hoping for an explanation on why those Somali Pirates are still alive and why they will be tried in the US when they should have been tried at sea at the scene, Guilty, firing squad walk the plank! As you can see I was ready to be informed on the top stories and come to find out the top story of the day was Justin Beiber got a freaking hair cut, holy shit now I am up to speed. I feel I will be totally depressed until the time Justin lets his hair grow back, this was devastating news. Just one more reason to watch FOX news if you want real news and not learn about this crap or how to make a good biscuit or salad with Matt and his crew!
So now we leave the Beaver story...........or Beiber story and what’s next, Lindsay Lohan and her continuing saga. You gotta love this judge in her case, or at least I do, he basically told Lindsay like it is:
"If you plead in front of me, if this case is resolved in front of me, you are going to jail," Schwartz said. "Period."
This is what is needed, this gal has been in and out of so called "rehab" and on and off probation and has broken probation more than once and still hasn't spent any time to speak of in jail like the rest of us poor smucks would have. Her Dad is blaming the media for sensationalizing her story and escapades and blames all this on her addiction..........which addiction is he talking about, drugs, alcohol, kleptomania, driving while intoxicated, driving in a reckless manner with excessive speed, which one? She was picked up or cited again Monday my Sheriff's deputies for speeding, 59 mph in a 35 mph zone and the hits just keep on a coming!
Now I don't know who this Beiber guy is and I've never seen or heard Lindsay sing, act or whatever she does so I can't speak for how they are with respect to their callings..................... but I don't give a rats whether the guy gets a hair cut or not and the rest of the country like me I believe just want to see Lindsay put behind bars for 3 to 5 years. This stuff is not news no matter what Matt Lauer or Meredith and Roker think, so don't pretend to report the news on these morning "news" shows. These folks should join the ranks of the Food Network and then at least when we tune in we know what we're going to get.................cookies and biscuits!
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