Saturday, February 19, 2011

OJ and Apple juice next luxory items?

In November the people of the USA told Congress and our President to do two things, lower our debt and reduce spending! I'm not so sure our President got the message correct or at least he's still being his arrogant self and trying to go Frank Sinatra on us (doing my way)!

Do we devalue our way to prosperity, is that the way this administration wants to take our country? That just doesn't seem like what we had in mind when we voted last November, it seems we the people might know better than this one person.

Inflation: A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services.

Inflation: "An increase in the amount of currency in circulation, resulting in a relatively sharp and sudden fall in its value and rise in prices: it may be caused by an increase in the volume of paper money issued or of gold mined, or a relative increase in expenditures as when the supply of goods fails to meet the demand."

This administration loves to print money and it's killing our country...............over the past six months here are a few price percentage moves to consider:
Cotton up +125%
Sugar up +82.6%
Corn up +59%
Coffee up +41.4%
Rice up +40.5%
Oats up +36.6%
Copper up +36.1%
Lumber up +33.8%
Oil up +25.1%
And now in the same six month period the Dollar ($) is down 6% in value! This is simple economics, print more money and the $$ goes down and prices go up! Have you bought a cotton shirt lately or a carton of OJ or stopped by the pump and fill up the car? Is this what the people asked for last November? The Congress wants to cut spending by a billion dollars a year and are being fought by the Democratic controlled Senate and the White house, this is what the people asked them to do in November!!!!

Our Presidents new budget proposal which is a 3.73 Billion dollar budget will be the BIGGEST one year debt jump ever in our history up 2 Trillion dollars! That is more than the combined GDP of France, Italy and Ireland........more than these countries will spend, buy, sell for one year and that equals Obama's budget.

Our President said "We need to get our deficit under control" and yet in the past two years our deficit has increase 3 times what it was, we've tried spending and spending to stimulate the economy but it seems that is only like putting gas on a fire!

Cuts need to be made across the board, health care, Social Security, Defense, all entitlements and yes teachers of Wisconsin even you, the unions need to join the seniors in cutting..........can Wisconsin teachers do simple math? Do the math folks, we need to cut in order to reduce our deficit, not just by raising prescriptions cost for seniors Mr. Obama!

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